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Meter in Poetry A nuts and bolts discussion which leads to understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Meter in Poetry A nuts and bolts discussion which leads to understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meter in Poetry A nuts and bolts discussion which leads to understanding

2 Rhythm (Def) the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. A good Question: HHow do I figure out the which syllables are stressed!? --Figuring this out is tricky, there are actually rules, follow the link above to see them. Otherwise, the best method is to really stress each syllable in the word and try a few different variations; this is not a perfect method, but it will get you close. (Syllables with long vowels and “r-controlled” syllables seem to be stressed more often. Short, common words like: a, to, and are mostly unstressed. By no means are these hard and fast rules.)

3 Meter (Def) when the rhythm of stressed and unstressed syllables is regular rather than irregular. Meter is measured in units called feet. Each stressed syllable with its associated unstressed syllables is a foot.

4 Some Meters Have Special Names  iamb  trochee  dactyl  anapest  alack (a-lack)  the day (the day)  gallant (gal-lant)  hickory (hick-or-y)  understand (un-der-stand)

5 Try it Gaily bedight A gallant knight In sunshine and in shadow Gai-ly be-dight A gal-lant knight In sun-shine and in shad-ow.

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