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What are protists? Very diverse group of organisms containing over 200,000 species NOT members of the kingdoms plantae, animalia, fungi or bacteria Eukaryotes.

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Presentation on theme: "What are protists? Very diverse group of organisms containing over 200,000 species NOT members of the kingdoms plantae, animalia, fungi or bacteria Eukaryotes."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are protists? Very diverse group of organisms containing over 200,000 species NOT members of the kingdoms plantae, animalia, fungi or bacteria Eukaryotes Most are unicellular

3 How are protists classified? According to the way they obtain nutrition: –Autotrophs (plant-like) –Heterotrophs (animal-like) –Decomposers and parasites (fungus-like)

4 Animal like protists (protozoans) are distinguished from each other by the way they…

5 Types of movements: 1.Zooflagellates (flagella)

6 2. Sarcodine (Extension of cytoplasm) Types of movements:

7 3. Ciliates (cilia)

8 Animallike Protists: Sporozoans Parasitic to animals –Do not move on their own

9 Drill Partners Turn to your neighbor and drill one another on the four categories of animallike protists and how they move. Make certain you both know the four categories and can recall them from memory.

10 Protists that perform photosynthesis are grouped into a category called: Commonly called…

11 Unicellular plantlike protists are: Euglenophytes Chrysophytes Diatoms Dinoflagellates

12 Plantlike protist that have two flagella BUT NO CELL WALL


14 Among the most abundant and beautiful organisms

15 Half their life is photosynthetic; the other half is heterotrophic

16 Multi-Cellular Plant-like Protists Red algae – chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, phycobilins. Brown Algae – chlorophyll c and fucoxanthins Green Algae – chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, beta- carotene, xanthophylls

17 Heterotrophs that absorb nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter

18 Fungus-like protist include: 1.Slime molds

19 -Thrive on dead or decaying organic matter in water -Plant parasites on land

20 Ticket Out the Door What characteristics do these organisms have that place them in the Kingdom Protista?

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