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Rome Falls and new Kingdoms emerge: France, Spain, England, Germany… 1000 – 1300’s CE.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome Falls and new Kingdoms emerge: France, Spain, England, Germany… 1000 – 1300’s CE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome Falls and new Kingdoms emerge: France, Spain, England, Germany… 1000 – 1300’s CE

2  1000’s – very low population  14-1500’s – population doubles  Predict: What would cause this initially low population and then what would help population grow again?



5  Fall of Rome was caused in part by a crumbling economy and weak currency.  After Rome, Europeans used a barter system… they had no money and physically traded goods for other goods.  In the Midde Ages, a Money Economy grew, based on currency, rather than simply goods.




9  European cities like Paris, Rome, and London began as Roman military outposts.  After Rome fell the cities remained, but the population and quality of life dwindled.  During the middle ages, cities were re-born with more stable economies and more effective king’s.

10  Cities begin to develop their own vernaculars… or languages unique to a specific region.  Latin was the language of Rome, but as these cities grew, so did their language.  Latin develops into different vernaculars in the Middle Ages: ◦ French ◦ Spanish ◦ German ◦ English



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