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 Index: ▶ How many freshmen? How many freshmen? ▶ Statistics of freshmen from 2001 to 2008 Statistics of freshmen from 2001 to 2008 ▶ Most popular fields.

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2  Index: ▶ How many freshmen? How many freshmen? ▶ Statistics of freshmen from 2001 to 2008 Statistics of freshmen from 2001 to 2008 ▶ Most popular fields of studying chosen by freshmen Most popular fields of studying chosen by freshmen ▶ Explanation of the previous table Explanation of the previous table ▶ How is the Italian university system structured? How is the Italian university system structured? ▶ What are the solutions most chosen by freshmen? What are the solutions most chosen by freshmen? ▶ What gender is the most diffused among students? What gender is the most diffused among students? ▶ A more visible solutions of the previous table A more visible solutions of the previous table ▶ Study of the chart: Male vs Female Study of the chart: Male vs Female ▶ Is there any difference between the north and the south Italy education? Is there any difference between the north and the south Italy education? : For further information, Excel File : For further information, Word File

3 307 thousands are the new freshman that in the year 2007/2008 enrolled, for the very first time, at university. This number has consistently increased compared to the one of the previous year (-0.3%). However, in 2000/2001 we already assisted to an increase of enrolled (+2,1% compared to the previous year). This increase was confirmed also in the following years, when in 2002/2003 the registrations increased of even 12,4%, an additional 3,6% in the following year, and 2,2% in 2004/2005. After this great augmentation of freshman, Italy has witnessed to a massive drop of enrolments registered until 2006/2007 (-5%).  Index Index

4 Statistics of Freshmen from 2001/02 to 2007/08  Index Index

5 The most popular field of studying among freshmen field of studying field of studying Group2001/022002/032003/042004/052005/062006/072007/08 Scientific 11770132291370614007137551306713107 Pharmaceutic 9506106851106911313111091055410585 Biologic 15137170141762618014176901680616856 Medical 25029281332914529787292502778827871 Egeneering 35414398054123842146413873931839436 Leterary 28053315323266733385327843114531239 Economic 43047483855012751229503074779247935 Juridical 36252407474221443143423664024840369 Linguistic 17894201132083721295209121986619926 Teaching 14985168431744917833175121663716687 Psycological 13890156121617416530162331542115467 Total 250977282098292254298683293307278642279478  Index Index

6  By looking at the previous table, it is possible to analyze the average increase among the given years. As a matter of fact the average increase is 1,97%; whereas, the maximum increase (12,4%) was in 2002/03.table 2001/022,10% 2002/0312,40% 2003/043,60% 2004/052,20% 2005/06-1,80% 2006/07-5% 2007/080,30% Average of increase from 2001 to 20081,97% Maximum range of increase12,40%  See the statistics of freshmen See the statistics of freshmen

7  According to the table shown two slides before, it possible to see that the field of studying which has had more enrolments among 2001- 2008 is Economics. However, also literary and engineering have a substantial enrolment of students.  Index Index

8 How is the Italian university system structured?  Degree: it lasts three years and it allows to work already at the age of 22.  Master: it can be done by people that already have a degree. It is usually done in order to increase and specify the knowledge acquired during the previous years.  Degree “Magistrale”: it lasts five years, and it includes only certain Majors, such as: Medicine, Law, and Pharmacy.  “Specialistica”: it lasts only two years and it is possible to accessed only after a degree.  Index Index

9 What are the solutions most chosen by freshmen? In 2007/08 the majority of registrations (83,4%) is for the three years degree. The rest, with is of 16,6%, chooses the longer degrees, such as: Medicine, Architecture, Pharmacy and so forth.  Index Index

10 What gender is most diffused among students? GroupTotalMen (%)Men (%)Men (N°)Men (N°)Women (%)Women (%)Women (N°)Women (N°) Scientific 11324 69,41918330,614789 Pharmaceutic 9146 35,8 1242064,215018 Biologic 14564 36,41986563,623827 Medical 24081 35,8 3270264,239541 Egeneering 34073 79,86126320,240956 Leterary 26991 31,83557468,245399 Economic 41417 52,26303747,861214 Juridical 34879 39,74872660,355911 Linguistic 17216 18,42038481,631264 Teaching 14418 9157169127538 Psycological 13364 18,11578381,924309  Index Index

11 ▶ A more visible solution of the previous table.table ▶ A more visible solution of the previous table.table  Index Index

12  Study of the chart: Male vs Female.  Overall the field of studying considered, the female gender is the most diffused. Nevertheless, the maximum concentration is above all in humanistic studies such as: Languages, Psychology, Literature and Teaching (91%). Although so, a very high number of women can be found also in degrees such as Pharmacy and Medicine. However, the male gender is more likely to be found into economics or mathematics fields; for instance, a very high rate is on Engineering (79,8%), Economics and Science.91%79,8%  Index Index

13 Is there any difference between the north and the south Italy education?  There is a huge difference between the education proposed in the north of Italy compered to the south. As a matter of fact, all the Italian top universities are located further than Rome (this latter included).  As following the list of the Top Universites (public and private): Università di TrentoBocconi, Milano Politecnico di MilanoLuiss, Roma Università di BolognaCampus Biomedico, Roma Università di VeronaUniversità Cattolica  Index Index

14 Presentation of: Virginia Tartabini CS 110 Professor Marco Scaramastra

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