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Published byLeon Hampton Modified over 9 years ago
Calculations of Beam Intensities Kick-off meeting, GSI, 17. 3. 2005 Task 11 : Calculations of Beam Intensities Kick-off meeting, GSI, 17. 3. 2005
Motivation for Task 11 The scope of the science addressed by EURISOL is strongly dependent on the beam intensities delivered. The major goal is establishing standard calculation procedures and codes, which are currently lacking, to facilitate comparison of various technical solutions for the facility. These codes will be based on existing experimental data, and, in a few specific cases, on new data acquired in the framework of the DS. In particular assessing the importance of having a driver with heavy-ion capability will be explored. The second important goal regards the investigation of novel ideas for secondary fragmentation and the assessment of the role of secondary reactions in single and two-stage targets, respectively.
Critical points for task 11 Heavy-ion capability Reaction cross sections Multiple reactionsIntensities Nuclides Efficiencies Two-step reactions In-flight separation?
Connections to other tasks Connections to other tasks Input Output Task 11 Task 2 Multi MW targets Task 9 Beam preparation Task 4 Fission target Task 3 Direct targets Task 7 Proton accelerator Task 12 Beta beams Task 10 Physics & Instrument. Task 6 HI accelerator
Management Structure of EURISOL_DS
Task description Objectives: Estimation of the available secondary-beam intensities, limitations in N-to-Z ratio, choice of the best adapted technical solutions. 7 participants: ISOLDE-CERN (P4), CEA/Saclay (P6), University of Jyväskylä (P8), University of Warsaw (P12), IoP Bratislava (P13), GSI (P15), University Santiago de Compostella (P16) 2 contributors: Khlopin Radium Institute (C4), VINČA-INS Belgrade (C16) Task leader: Karl-Heinz Schmidt (GSI) 8 subtasks
Task break-down ST1 Benefit of heavy-ion capabilities of the driver accelerator (IoP) ST2 Fragmentation of post-accelerated ISOL beams (USC) ST3 Fission models (GSI) ST4 Spallation and fragmentation reactions (USC) ST5 Neutron- and proton-induced reactions up to Fermi energy (JYU) ST6 Heavy-ion reactions in the Fermi-energy domain (IoP) ST7 Secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (CEA) ST8 Predictions of secondary-beam intensities (GSI)
Pert diagram task 11
Working plan Feb. 05 - Jan. 06 SubtaskWorkParticipantsRespons. ST1 Report on HI capabilities of driver accelerator CEA, IoP, USC, GSI, IoP ST2 Experiment 132 Sn+Be USC, GSI, IoP, VINČA, UW USC ST3 Fission models validation JYU, GSI, USC GSI ST4 Data compilation, models benchmarking GSI, USC, VINČA USC ST5 Data on p-induced fission, code on p- induced reactions, PEE model JYU, KhRI, USC JYU ST6 Data compilation, model calculations, experiment preparations IoP ST7 Code validation, beam and target optimisation, single-stage target calculations CEA, WU CEA ST8 ISOLDE-yield data base, thick-target model, EURISOL ND demand list CERN, JYU, GSI, USC GSI
EURISOL_DS / Task 11 – Kick-off meeting / AGENDA 10:00 – 10:30 Introduction (K.-H. Schmidt) 10:30 – 11:00 Subtask 1 "Benefit of heavy-ion capabilities of the driver accelerator" (M. Veselsky) 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 – 12:00 Subtask 4: "Spallation and fragmentation reactions" (M. V. Ricciardi) 12:00 – 12:30 Subtask 3: "Fission model" (A.Kelić, V. Rubchenya) 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 14:30 Subtask 2: "Fragmentation of post-accelerated ISOL beams" (K.-H. Schmidt) 14:30 – 15:00 Subtask 5: "Neutron- and proton-induced reactions up to Fermi energy" (V. Rubchenya) 15:00 – 15:30 Subtask 6: "Heavy-ion reactions in the Fermi-energy domain" (M. Veselsky) 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 – 16:30 Subtask 7: "Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets" (J.-C. David) 16:30 – 17:00 Subtask 8: "Predictions of beam intensities" (S. Lukić) 17:00 – 17:30 Conclusions
Milestone Month due ST1Heavy-ion requirement for driver accelerator M1.1Preliminary investigation12 ST2Fragmentation of post accelerated ISOL beams M2.1Preparation of experiment12 ST3Fission models M3.1JYFL fission model results5 M3.2GSI fission model results12 ST4Spallation and fragmentation reactions M4.1Data and benchmarking of model for 238 U12 ST5n- and p-induced reactions up to Fermi energy ST6HI reactions at Fermi energy M6.1Calculations of n-rich nuclei production12 ST7Aspects of secondary reactions M7.1Code validation5 M7.2 Beam and target optimisation12 ST8Predictions of secondary beam intensities M8.1Completion of the ISOLDE yield data base12 Expected results, Feb. 05 - Jan. 06
ParticipantPosition (MM)Money (K€)Starting date CERN627Aug. 05 CEA--- JYU1254Feb. 05 UW1.57Aug. 05 IoP--- GSI1254Feb. 05 USC313.5Aug. 05 Human resources, Feb. 05 - Jan. 06, demand Total: ~ 34.5 man-months MM = Mann-Months
Financial resources, Feb. 05 - Jan. 06, demand Total: 225.5 K€ ParticipantPersonnelTravelConsumableTotal/Part CERN27-- CEA-4-4 JYU + KhRI 546-60 UW79.5-16.5 IoP-72027 GSI541.5-55.5 VINČA-INS -16- USC13.56-19.5 Total 155.55020225.5 All numbers are given in K€
Meetings, Feb. 05 - Jan. 06 It is planned to have a general meeting of all participants and contributors of Task 11 in February 2005 (the date is still not fixed). During this meeting, different working groups will be formed. Two other meetings of all participants and contributors are planned (after 6 months and after 12 months) where the results of the different working groups as well as deliverables and reports will be presented. Moreover, if necessary, the members of different working groups can meet more frequently.
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