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Part Two The Appointment & Work of Deacons. II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). B. Paul’s Words to Timothy (I Tim. 3:8-13). Qualifications for their wives.

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Presentation on theme: "Part Two The Appointment & Work of Deacons. II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). B. Paul’s Words to Timothy (I Tim. 3:8-13). Qualifications for their wives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part Two The Appointment & Work of Deacons

2 II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). B. Paul’s Words to Timothy (I Tim. 3:8-13). Qualifications for their wives (vs. 11). II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). The Appointment & Work of Deacons

3 Is This Addressing Female Deacons? A. “ Husband of One Wife” (I Timothy 3:12). B. Which woman (gune) is addressed? The deacon’s woman (gune) (vss. 11,12). C. What about Phoebe? (Rom. 16:1,2; 15:8). D. Church History (I Timothy 5:3-16). F. There are ways to serve – not as deacons. The Appointment & Work of Deacons Is This Addressing Female Deacons?

4 II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). B. Paul’s Words to Timothy (I Tim. 3:8-13). Qualifications for their wives (vs. 11). Reverent (Proverbs 31:23, 26 & 30). Not slanderers (Ephesians 4:29). Temperate (cf. I Timothy 3:2). Faithful in all things. The Appointment & Work of Deacons II. Their Qualifications (Cont.).

5 III. Their Name. A. Deacon - Diakonos (“minister” - “servant”). “Deacon” (3 - KJV). “Minister” (20 - KJV). “Servant” (7- KJV). Jesus (Rom 15:8); Phoebe (Rom 16:1,2) The church in Philippi (Phil 1:1). The Appointment & Work of Deacons III. Their Name.

6 IV. Their Work. A. The seven in the church in Jerusalem. Practical needs of the church. Relieved Apostles to concentrate on teaching the word (Acts 6:4). They also taught (Acts 6:8-10; Acts 8:5-8). The Appointment & Work of Deacons IV. Their Work.

7 B. From Paul’s Words (I Timothy 3:13). Good standing. Great boldness in the faith (Matthew 5:16). The Appointment & Work of Deacons IV. Their Work.

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