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Proverbs 31 FAR ABOVE RUBIES. Spiritual Wealth 1.How do you picture someone who is wealthy? 2.Who is the wealthiest person you know? 3.At what point is.

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Presentation on theme: "Proverbs 31 FAR ABOVE RUBIES. Spiritual Wealth 1.How do you picture someone who is wealthy? 2.Who is the wealthiest person you know? 3.At what point is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proverbs 31 FAR ABOVE RUBIES

2 Spiritual Wealth 1.How do you picture someone who is wealthy? 2.Who is the wealthiest person you know? 3.At what point is someone considered ‘wealthy’? 4.What blessings can wealth bring with it? 5.What problems can wealth bring with it? 6.What role should God play in our accumulation of wealth? Financial Wealth 1.How do you picture someone who is wealthy? 2.Who is the wealthiest person you know? 3.At what point is someone considered ‘wealthy’? 4.What blessings can wealth bring with it? 5.What problems can wealth bring with it? 6.What role should God play in our accumulation of wealth?

3 Proverbs 13:8 Proverbs 22:16 Proverbs 3:13-16 Proverbs 21:17 Proverbs 23:4 Proverbs 28:20 Proverbs 21:6 Proverbs 14:23 Proverbs 11:24-26 Proverbs 13:11 Council about Wealth

4 Write down the qualities you would like your spouse to have. We will compare your list to the list in Proverbs 31:10–31

5 VIRTUE “Virtue originates in your innermost thoughts and desires. It is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. Since the Holy Ghost does not dwell in unclean tabernacles, virtue is prerequisite to receiving the Spirit’s guidance. What you choose to think and do when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue. “Virtuous people are clean and pure spiritually. They focus on righteous, uplifting thoughts and put unworthy thoughts that lead to inappropriate actions out of their minds. They obey God’s commandments and follow the counsel of Church leaders. They pray for the strength to resist temptation and do what is right. They quickly repent of any sins or wrongdoings. They live worthy of a temple recommend” (Preach My Gospel[2004], 118–19).

6 Why do you think virtue is so valuable? “Your mind is like a stage in a theater; in the theater of your mind, however, only one actor can be on stage at a time. If the stage is left bare, thoughts of darkness and sin often enter the stage to tempt. But these thoughts have no power if the stage of your mind is occupied by wholesome thoughts, such as a memorized hymn or verse of scripture that you can call upon in a moment of temptation. By controlling the stage of your mind, you can successfully resist persistent urges to yield to temptation and indulge in sin. You can become pure and virtuous” (Preach My Gospel [2004], 119).


8 What does a kiss mean? “Kissing has … degenerated to develop and express lust instead of affection, honor, and admiration. To kiss in casual dating is asking for trouble. What do kisses mean when handed out like pretzels and robbed of sacredness?” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, 281).

9 “As you are aware, kissing is more stimulating than satisfying; consequently, it invites more and more. Once a couple begins to share affection in a physical way, this activity tends to become the focus of interest. Often such a couple ceases to explore the other significant dimensions of personality. Kissing for the sake of kissing invites more affection, and many fine young people become more deeply involved than they actually wish to be” (Bruce Monson, New Era, June 2001, pg. 38). What does a kiss mean?

10 “The Church counsels against early [steady] dating. This rule is not designed to hurt you in any way. It is designed to help you, and it will do so if you will observe it. “Steady dating at an early age leads so often to tragedy. It is better, my friends, to date a variety of companions until you are ready to marry. Have a wonderful time, but stay away from familiarity. It may not be easy, but it is possible” (New Era, Jan. 2001, 13). President Gordon B. Hinckley

11 How far can you go and still not sin? Where is the line?

12 Just FriendsAll The Way“The Line of Sin”

13 Hi 5 ATW Handshake Hold hands Side hug Quick hug Sigh hug Kiss on the cheek Quick kiss on the lips Long kiss Making out Touching private parts Everyone stand up. Sit down then you feel that ‘the line’ has been crossed

14 What are the limits? “Any sexual intimacy outside of the bonds of marriage—I mean any intentional contact with the sacred, private parts of another’s body, with or without clothing—is a sin and has been forbidden by God.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Oct 1994

15 Just FriendsAll The Way“The Line of Sin” “A line you set for yourself to keep from ever getting close to the line.”

16 VIRTUE Return to Virtue (2:34) Elaine S. Dalton, who served as Young Women General President, urges young people to develop the strength that comes from living a virtuous life. Consider showing this video to help students understand and then apply the following truth: Virtue is more valuable than worldly wealth.

17 Ecclesiastes Read and mark Ecclesiastes 12:13–14 and look for the Preacher’s main conclusion. This book is a collection of poetry and songs of love and affection (T.M.I.!!!). The Joseph Smith Translation manuscript contains the note that “the Songs of Solomon are not inspired writings” (Bible Dictionary, “Song of Solomon”; see also the note found above Song of Solomon 1:1, footnote a). Song of Solomon

18 Proverbs 31 FAR ABOVE RUBIES

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