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Cognitive Science Overview Introduction, Syllabus

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2 Cognitive Science Overview Introduction, Syllabus
Cognitive Science Defined Assumptions of Cognitive Science Cognitive Science and Instructional Design

3 Cognitive Science Definition
As the science of the mind, cognitive science is concerned with human cognition, i.e., mental phenomena such as perceiving, thinking, remembering, language comprehension, learning, and emotion.

4 Cognitive Science Contributing Fields
Cognitive Science emerged at the intersection of Cognitive psychology Linguistics Philosophy Computer science Artificial intelligence Neuroscience Anthropology

5 Learner Characteristics
Cognitive Science Scenario Introduction Learning Process Information (visual, verbal, …) Sensory and Working Memory Long-term Memory Cognitive Theories Learning Theories Learner Characteristics

6 Cognitive Science Overview Introduction, Syllabus
Cognitive Science Defined Assumptions of Cognitive Science Cognitive Science and Instructional Design

7 Cognitive Science Assumptions Scientific assumption
Mind as natural phenomenon Governed by physical processes Observable

8 Cognitive Science Lateral Brain Somatosensory cortex Motor cortex
Sensory associative cortex Visual associative cortex Broca’s area Visual cortex Primary Auditory cortex Wernicke’s area

9 Cognitive Science Information Processing Information processing Claims
Cognitive processing=series of stages of information transformation Higher mental processes can be understood as collective actions of a set of elementary operations Human cognition has limited capacity for storing and transmitting information Analogy of cognitive processing and computer processing

10 Cognitive Science Assumptions
Cognition as a form of computation, Mind is information processing system Formal information processes–can be studied as patterns and the manipulation of patterns (independent of a particular instance)

11 Cognitive Science Cognitive Information Processing

12 Scenario Cognitive Science Discussion
What are the limits of the Computer Metaphor for human information processing? Compare to Neural Net approaches.

13 Cognitive Science Cognition
Cognition as a form of computation, Mind is information processing system Mental representations–Separation of symbols from their meaning Separating thinking processes from their physical basis Cognitive Science is basic science

14 Scenario Cognitive Science Discussion
Can information processing be separated -from the biological or neurological (I.e., from the function of the brain itself), -from the sociological or cultural (i.e., from its meaning)? Can you provide examples to make your case?

15 Cognitive Science Overview Introduction, Syllabus
Cognitive Science Defined Assumptions of Cognitive Science Cognitive Information Processing Cognitive Science and Instructional Design

16 Scenario Cognitive Science Discussion
Cognitive Science and Instructional Design: Where is the connection?

17 Cognitive Science Cognitive Science & ID
Connection between Cognitive Science and ID Instructional Design and Cognitive Science are systems theories Cognitive Science dominant theoretical influence on instructional design practice Analysis Design Development Delivery/Implementation Evaluation

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