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Dasar-dasar Kepemimpinan Chapter 15 Mata kuliah: J0754 - Pengelolaan Organisasi Entrepreneurial Dosen Pembuat: D3122 - Rudy Aryanto Tahun : 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Dasar-dasar Kepemimpinan Chapter 15 Mata kuliah: J0754 - Pengelolaan Organisasi Entrepreneurial Dosen Pembuat: D3122 - Rudy Aryanto Tahun : 2009."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dasar-dasar Kepemimpinan Chapter 15 Mata kuliah: J0754 - Pengelolaan Organisasi Entrepreneurial Dosen Pembuat: D3122 - Rudy Aryanto Tahun : 2009

3 Learning Objectives –Define the term leadership –Describe why managers prefer the situational leadership theory –Discuss whether leaders are really needed in work settings

4 What is Leadership? Leaders influence others to do what they might not do otherwise –They are agents of change –They encourage goal accomplishment –Their acts influence others more than the acts of others influence them

5 Leadership Effectiveness Effective leaders may have to deal with the goals of… –Individuals, groups, the organization –Effectiveness is typically measured by goal accomplishment Acceptance of a leader’s directives rests largely on… –Followers’ expectations that a favorable response leads to an attractive outcome

6 Framework for Studying Leadership Leader’s Traits Leader’s Behavior Situational Variables Effective Results Abilities Personality Motivation Task-oriented Person-oriented Initiating structure Consideration Transactional Transformational Followers’ needs Task structure Position power Leader-follower trust Group readiness Production Quality Efficiency Flexibility Satisfaction Competitiveness Development Survival

7 Trait Theory of Leadership Attempts to identify characteristics linked to leadership success –Physical attributes –Mental attributes –Personality

8 Effective Leader Traits Personality Alertness Energy level Stress tolerance Self-confidence Emotional maturity Integrity Ability Interpersonal skill Cognitive skill Technical skill Supervisory ability Motivation Socialized power orientation Strong need for achievement Weak need for affiliation Persuasiveness

9 Behaviors of Effective Leaders Leadership behavior is studied by analyzing… –What leaders do in relation to accomplishing the task (job centered) –What they do to maintain the efforts of the people doing the task (employee centered)

10 Behaviors of Effective Leaders Effectiveness criteria –Productivity per work hour, or similar measures –Organization members’ job satisfaction –Turnover, absenteeism, grievance rates –Costs –Scrap loss –Employee and managerial motivation

11 Behavior Theories The job-centered leader –Focuses on completing the task –Uses close supervision and specified procedures –Relies on coercion, reward, legitimate power to influence behavior and performance

12 Behavior Theories The employee-centered leader –Focuses on the people doing the work –Delegates decision making –Is concerned with subordinates’ advancement, growth, achievement

13 Behavior Theories Initiating structure (job-centered) –Organizes and defines group relationships –Establishes well-defined patterns and channels of communication –Spells out ways to get the job done Consideration (employee-centered) –Friendship, mutual trust, respect, warmth, and rapport between the leader and followers

14 Behavior Theory Shortcomings Generally accepted shortcomings –The linkage between leadership and organization performance indicators has not been conclusively resolved –The role of environmental variables in leadership effectiveness is ignored –Situational variables not considered

15 Situational Theories of Leadership These theories –Suggest that leader effectiveness depends on the fit between personality, task, power, attitudes, and perceptions –Advocate that leaders understand their own behavior, the behavior of their subordinates, and the situation before utilizing a particular leadership style –Require the leader to have diagnostic skills in human behavior

16 Situational Theories: Key Factors Managers aware of the forces they face can modify their style to cope with them –Forces within managers –Forces in the subordinates –Forces in the situation

17 Contingency Leadership Model Group performance is dependant on the interaction between –Leadership style –Situational favorableness

18 Contingency Leadership Model Leader styles –Task-oriented leadership –Relationship-oriented leadership Situational factors –Leader-member relations –Task structure –Position power

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