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Balance of Trade / Balance of Payment Where is the United States? trade/statistics/highlights/top/top1012yr.html

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Presentation on theme: "Balance of Trade / Balance of Payment Where is the United States? trade/statistics/highlights/top/top1012yr.html"— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance of Trade / Balance of Payment Where is the United States? trade/statistics/highlights/top/top1012yr.html trade/statistics/highlights/top/top1012yr.html trade/top/index.html#2011 ml ports.html ports.html ports.html

2 Motivation Have the students do “Handout 6-5-1 Buy American? It Depends.”

3 Motivation (Continued) The students will list their ideas on the board. The class will examine the list and look for trends.

4 Exports Goods and services that one country sells another country.


6 Imports Goods and services that one country buys from another country.


8 Balance of Trade A measure of goods (Not services) one country buys and sells with other countries.

9 Trade Deficit Unfavorable Balance of Trade The result when a country imports more than it exports

10 Trade Surplus Favorable balance of trade The result when a country exports more than it imports.

11 Balance of Payment A more comprehensive concept than balance of trade. The bookkeeping record of all the international transactions a country makes during a year. Not only imports, but also services such as transportation, travel, investment payments such as dividends and interest, and currency transactions between nations.


13 Independent Practice The students will do handout 7-5-2 Balance of Payments.

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