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The New Deal Chapter 15. A New Deal Fights the Depression.

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1 The New Deal Chapter 15

2 A New Deal Fights the Depression

3 Americans Get a New Deal ELECTING FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT –Republicans nominate President Hoover –Democrats nominate Franklin Delano Roosevelt –Roosevelt wins overwhelmingly Senate - Democrats claim a two-thirds majority House - they won almost three-fourths of the seats

4 WAITING FOR ROOSEVELT TO TAKE OVER FDR picked his advisers –The “Brain Trust” Roosevelt formulates new policies –The New Deal – “a new deal for the American people” Three goals of the New Deal policies –Relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform

5 THE HUNDRED DAYS –Congress passed more than 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation March 5 - Roosevelt declared a bank holiday Congress passed the Emergency Banking Relief Act

6 AN IMPORTANT FIRESIDE CHAT –March 12 - President Roosevelt gave the first fireside chat President Roosevelt explained that the nation’s welfare depended on public support of the government and the banking system

7 REGULATING BANKING AND FINANCE –The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) –The Federal Securities Act, May 1933 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), June 1934 –1933 – Congress passed the 21st Amendment

8 Helping the American People –The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) –The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Established on May 18, 1933

9 PROVIDING WORK PROJECTS –Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Young men between 18 and 25 –Public Works Administration (PWA), June 1933 Part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) –President Roosevelt established the Civil Works Administration in November 1933 Provided 4 million immediate jobs

10 PROMOTING FAIR PRACTICES –National Recovery Administration (NRA) Fair competition Established standards for working hours Ban on child labor

11 FOOD, CLOTHING, AND SHELTER –Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Government loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure 1934 – the National Housing Act created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) –Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) $500 million to provide direct relief for the needy

12 The New Deal Comes Under Attack –Liberal critics New Deal did not go far enough to help the poor and to reform the nation’s economic system –Conservative critics Roosevelt spent too much on direct relief and used New Deal policies to control business and socialize the economy

13 THE SUPREME COURT REACTS –Conservative opposition to the New Deal received a boost from two Supreme Court decisions 1935 – Court declares the NIRA unconstitutional Supreme Court struck down the AAA –Agriculture is a local matter and should be regulated by the states –1937 – President Roosevelt proposed a court-reform bill The “Court-packing bill”

14 THREE FIERY CRITICS –Father Charles Coughlin Favored a guaranteed annual income and the nationalization of banks –Dr. Francis Townsend Believed that Roosevelt wasn’t doing enough to help the poor and elderly –Senator Huey Long of Louisiana Proposed a nationwide social program called Share-Our- Wealth

15 The Second New Deal Takes Hold

16 The Second Hundred Days –President Roosevelt launched the Second New Deal –The president listens to his wife Eleanor Roosevelt

17 REELECTING FDR –The 1936 presidential election The Republicans nominated Alfred Landon, the governor of Kansas First election were most African Americans voted Democratic

18 Helping Farmers –1936 - Congress passed the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act Paid farmers for cutting production of soil depleting crops Rewarded farmers for practicing soil conservation –1938 - Congress approved the second Agricultural Adjustment Act

19 –1935 - The Resettlement Administration –1937 - the Farm Security Administration (FSA) Loaned more than $1 billion to help tenant farmers become landholders

20 Roosevelt Extends Relief –Works Progress Administration (WPA) Between 1935 and 1943, it spent $11 billion to give jobs to more than 8 million workers WPA made special efforts to help women, minorities, and young people –National Youth Administration (NYA) Provided education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young people

21 THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT –1935 – the Social Security Act –Three major parts: Old-age insurance for retirees 65 or older and their spouses Unemployment compensation system Aid to families with dependent children and the disabled

22 The New Deal Affects Many Groups

23 The New Deal Brings New Opportunities WOMEN MAKE THEIR MARK –Frances Perkins –Women and jobs 82 percent of Americans believed that a wife should not work if her husband had a job

24 African-American Activism –Roosevelt appointed 100 African Americans to government positions –The “Black Cabinet” Influential African Americans to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues –Marian Anderson performs at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday

25 Mexican-American Fortunes –Mexican Americans received fewer benefits than African Americans –CCC and WPA discriminate against Mexican Americans

26 Culture in the 1930s

27 The Lure of Motion Pictures and Radio –Clark Gable, Marlene Dietrich, and James Cagney helped launch a new era of glamour and sophistication in Hollywood Gone With the Wind (1939) The Wizard of Oz (1939) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

28 RADIO ENTERTAINS –President Roosevelt chose radio as the medium for his “fireside chats” –Most direct means of access to the American people Radio programs offered a range of entertainment Orson Welles created “The War of the Worlds”

29 The Arts in Depression America –The Federal Art Project Paid artists a living wage to produce public art Project artists created posters, taught art in the schools, and painted murals in public buildings

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