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Southwood Primary School Parents Information Morning Year 1.

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1 Southwood Primary School Parents Information Morning Year 1

2 Who’s Who in Year 1? Miss Scott (Pink Class and Year Group Leader) Mrs Deol (Blue Class) Mrs Tregent (Green Class) Mrs Alagoa (Assistant Head Teacher – Phase Leader for Year 1 and 2) Mrs Steward, Mrs Cook, Mrs B and Mrs Jefferd (TAs)

3 Expectations of children in Year 1… Come to school regularly and on time. Listen to the teachers and follow instructions. Try their best in all tasks. Treat each other with respect and kindness.

4 School Uniform… ◦Sweatshirt with school logo ◦Cardigan with school logo ◦Navy trousers or skirt ◦Polo shirt with school logo ◦PE Kit: White t-shirt, black or navy shorts, socks, trainers, shoe bag. ◦Please label everything

5 PE… ◦Green Class: Monday and Wednesday ◦Blue Class: Tuesday and Friday ◦Pink class: Wednesday and Thursday We expect the children to get change independently. Please ensure you child is wearing uniform which they can take on and off independently, e.g. Velcro shoes, polo shirt.

6 Rewards and Consequences… Year 1 follows the behaviour policy alongside the rest of the school. Everybody starts each day on Green. If they do something exceptionally good they can move up the chart onto Bronze, followed by Silver and Gold. If a child is making poor behaviour choices then they will be given verbal warnings first, then they will be moved to Blue. If the behaviour continues then they will move to Yellow and receive a time out in or out of class. If the behaviour continues, or there is a severe action (e.g. fighting) then then they will be on Red and senior members of staff will become involved and parents are informed.

7 What we will learn this year… In English… ◦How to write full sentences independently. ◦How to improve sentences with a more varied vocabulary. ◦How to read words containing more syllables and alternative sounds. ◦Daily guided reading and shared reading opportunities. ◦How to write stories, letters, reports, instructions, fairytales and many more!

8 What we will learn this year… In Maths… ◦Number facts – pairs of numbers to make 5,6,7,8,9,10 and how to derive related subtraction facts. ◦Place value. ◦Add and subtract single digit numbers to 2-digit numbers. ◦Reading and writing numbers to 20. ◦Begin to understand multiplication using objects.

9 What we will learn this year… In Science… ◦Senses ◦Seasons ◦Materials ◦Plants ◦Animals

10 What we will learn this year… Our Topics will be… ◦History: Toys, Bonfire Night, Local Heroes. ◦Geography: Local Area, Animals Around the World, Seasons.

11 Homework expectations… Children will bring home spellings on Monday and are expected to practise writing them every day. Reading books will be changed weekly. Children should try to read every night with an adult.

12 School Journals… This should be used by the children, parents and teachers. Please read through and become familiar with your child’s School Journal. It should be used for: Reading at home Communicating with your child’s teacher

13 School visits and experiences… Autumn Term: Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood. Spring Term: Visiting the Local Area. Summer Term: Tropical Wings and Valence house.

14 Who to talk to?... ◦ Class Teacher ◦ Year Group Leader (Miss Scott) ◦ Phase Leader (Mrs Alagoa) ◦ Mr Halliwell or Mrs Tripp

15 We look forward to working with you this year.

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