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2003 1 Assessing Learning Outcomes through Electronic Portfolios: The Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre-Haute, IN.

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Presentation on theme: "2003 1 Assessing Learning Outcomes through Electronic Portfolios: The Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre-Haute, IN."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003 1 Assessing Learning Outcomes through Electronic Portfolios: The Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre-Haute, IN.

2 Overview:  About The Rose-Hulman Institute;  Portfolio Assessment Approach;  Now & Then;  The Future Outlook;  Lessons Learned.

3 About Rose-Hulman:

4 About Rose-Hulman II -  Location: About 200-Acre Campus East of Terre Haute, Indiana  Founded: 1874 as Rose Polytechnic Institute  Renamed: 1971 as Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology  Characteristics: Four-Year, Private, Engineering, Science and Mathematics  Enrollment: 1,800 (Became Co-Ed in 1995)  Faculty: 138

5 2003 Portfolio Assessment Approach:  Support Accreditation Efforts; (HLC/NCA and ABET)  Focus on Student Learning Outcomes;  Select “Best Work” or “Showcase” Portfolio Assessment Model;  Build on Criteria: Easy to Learn/Use; Rich in Content; Valid & Non-Intrusive Method.

6 Portfolio Assessment Approach II:  Collection/Documentation of Learner Work Over Time;  Assess Holistically;  Focus on Individual Learning.  Sources: Current Course Work & Professional Development Activities.  Authentic Assessment of Institute-Wide Learning Outcomes.  Promote Evidence-Based Decision Making in TQ Processes.

7 Now & Then:  Back Then, 1999, 9 Learning Objectives with 45 Performance Criteria to Measure;  Now, 10 Student Learning Objectives with 35 Performance Criteria;  Back Then, Assess All Objectives Annually;  Now, 3 Chosen Objectives Per Year.

8 2003 The Future Outlook -  Closing the Feedback Loop:  Faster Flow of Information to Departments;  Faster Flow of Information to Assessment & Planning Committees;  Faster Flow of Information to Learners.  Integration with Curricula Planning:  Curriculum Map for Departments;  Curriculum Map for Learners.

9 Lessons Learned:  Support from Senior Administrators is Crucial to Implement Authentic Assessment Method. (Resources, Nature of Assessment Method)  Faculty Buy-In is the Key to Success.  Process is Iterative & Integrative.  Communication (Feedback Loop) – Make Information Accessible to Key Stakeholders in the Process.  DON’T Mix Portfolio Assessment with Faculty Evaluation

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