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Speeches of Elihu Job 32 - 37 Introduction and Initial Address (Job 32-33) Transition introducing Elihu (32:1-5) (1-5)   Elihu’s wrath kindled at Job.

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2 Speeches of Elihu Job 32 - 37

3 Introduction and Initial Address (Job 32-33) Transition introducing Elihu (32:1-5) (1-5)   Elihu’s wrath kindled at Job & his friends   Introduced as being younger than these men Describes youth & hesitance (32:6-22) (6-8, 17-18)   Play of words on “spirit” & “breath” (v. 8) implying claim of inherent inspiration - false Takes it upon self to represent God & censure Job (33:1-33) (15-22)   Claims God communicates by dream & pain   Sees himself as Job's requested mediator/redeemer (23-28)

4 Request for Hearing from Friends (Job 34) Condemns Job's defense of self (34:1-15)   Charges Job with scoffing & iniquity (5-12)   Focuses on intemperate statements of Job, but fails to note Job’s professions of faith None can condemn God's action (34:16-30) (19-27) Even says there is no need for a future judgment (23) Job to humble self & confess (34:31-37) (31-33)   Accuses Job of refusing God’s chastening

5 Addresses Job (Job 35 - 37) Further charge of sin to Job (35:1-8) (7-8) Says Job wrong to question God (35:9-16) (13-16) Claims God correcting Job by trials (36:1-23) (8-12)   Note arrogance of Elihu seen in verses 2-4 Describes God’s work as storm (36:24-33) (26-30)   God’s disdain seen in chapter 38 for Elihu speaking & interpreting without understanding Power & majesty of God's world (37:1-13) (5-13) God's power & greatness extolled (37:14-24) (20-24)   Truth in Elihu’s speech said better by others   Elihu ends confidently affirming what was false

6 Conclusion Wrath of man does not aid righteousness of God   James 1:19-20 Folly seen in one of youth who thinks himself the repository of wisdom   Elihu thought he should speak while Job quietly listened   Yet, Job had wisdom of age, proven righteous life & records of guiding children in way of holiness Folly seen in making the same charges & points, while thinking it was unique   Happens when one wants to talk so much that they do not listen to things said before Foolish speech often ends in a conclusion at odds with the truth   Elihu said righteous would not suffer & God not afflict   Righteous ones suffer (2 Tim. 3:12) & God chastens (Heb. 12:4-11)


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