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Promoting Health in the Workplace through Policy Becky Tuttle, MA Working Well ICT Think Tank June 16, 2015.

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2 Promoting Health in the Workplace through Policy Becky Tuttle, MA Working Well ICT Think Tank June 16, 2015

3 What is the value of policy in the workplace? Supportive workplace health policies affect large groups of workers Make adopting healthy behaviors easier for employees Creates and fosters a culture of health Sustainability Community mobilization starts at the organizational level Not “add-on” benefits, but basic investments in human capital, similar to training, mentoring, and other employee development programs

4 Why have workplace health policies? Organizational policy (little p) plays a key role in: Securing multilevel support with an organization Providing a basic foundation for building comprehensive worksite wellness programs Rational Expectations Resources

5 Program, practice, policy The Community Guide ( Programs (interventions) can: – Gather baseline data – Build support/buy-in for comprehensive worksite wellness programs – Offer “fun and creative” methods to lifestyle changes Programs (interventions) can’t: – Ensure sustainability – Ensure inclusion of all employees – Ensure consistency from all levels of engagement (top-down/bottom-up)

6 What is an effective policy? Any plan or course of action designed to influence and determine decisions – Written Easy to understand and follow Able to enforce consistently Revisited frequently Easy to access/locate Accomplishes goals of comprehensive wellness program

7 How healthy is our workforce? It is important that employers provide an environment where barriers to being healthy are eliminated. Potential policy areas include: Healthy Eating Physical Activity Tobacco Breastfeeding Wellness Committee/Programs Health Care/Benefits Safety/Ergonomics Immunizations/Flu Shots Mental Health/Stress

8 Healthy Eating Vending Meeting Well Cafeteria Peer Support Groups CSAs (refrigerators, etc.) Education – such as YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, etc. Internet/Intranet site with nutrition education

9 Physical Activity Promotes community-based fitness centers/provides reimbursement Point of decision prompts to encourage use of stairs Walking trails that are safe/supported Time to be active at work Walk at Work Day/Week and Bike to Work Week Onsite fitness facility/showers Education – such as YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, etc. Moving Minute for meetings lasting more than one hour LET’S MOVE NOW!!!

10 Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes Tobacco free grounds/vehicles Only FDA approved nicotine delivery devices Reimbursement for tobacco cessation support Reimbursement for tobacco cessation medications Won’t hire if tobacco user Time for tobacco cessation at work Tobacco premium (affidavit vs. testing)

11 Breastfeeding/Lactation Time to pump/lactate Venue to pump/lactate – required by law

12 Wellness Committee and Programs Allow time for employees to participate Wellness Committee Who is represented How often to meet Budget When to report to senior level management

13 Health Care/Benefits Health insurance benefits that encourage prevention Health Risk Assessments with feedback Flexible spending accounts Employer contributes to flexible spending accounts if employee participates in screening events

14 Safety/Ergonomics Vehicle seatbelts Annual evaluation of workstations Annual evaluation of heating, lighting, ventilation Stretch and fitness breaks Skin cancer prevention

15 Influenza and other Vaccinations Influenza vaccines (on-site, reduced cost, actively promoted) Employees must have Influenza vaccine to be able to work Vaccinations (on-site, reduced cost, actively promoted)

16 Mental Health/Stress Must have EMPAC or other resources “Well Days” for employees PTO days for employees Coaching programs Flexible hours/job sharing

17 When you can’t get to policy…yet Progress from programs (interventions) to practice Communicate success of wellness programs Communicate barriers of wellness program without policy (AKA- not comprehensive without supportive environments Continue to engage all levels of management – find a champion Try for “easy wins” first - what are you are already practicing Determine rationale for other workplace policies (not health) Give them what they want (ROI, productivity, etc.) “WIIFM”

18 Questions???

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