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Introduction to ABAP/4 A dvanced B usiness A pplication P rogram – Release 4 Why Use ABAP? –Programming language of SAP –Main purpose is to provide additional.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ABAP/4 A dvanced B usiness A pplication P rogram – Release 4 Why Use ABAP? –Programming language of SAP –Main purpose is to provide additional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ABAP/4 A dvanced B usiness A pplication P rogram – Release 4 Why Use ABAP? –Programming language of SAP –Main purpose is to provide additional functionality to existing SAP applications –Not used to develop applications from scratch Common uses of ABAP/4: –Providing custom reports –Developing custom interfaces

2 Introduction to ABAP/4 The Development Environment –To be a proficient developer in ABAP you need to understand the applications and the technical environment. What is an R/3 system? –Integrated suite of applications for large companies. – S ystems A pplications and P roducts for data processing –ABAP programs run within the R/3 system

3 Introduction to ABAP/4 R/3 Conceptual Areas –Applications area Accessing the functional applications –Basis area Contains tools to monitor the R/3 system itself –Performance monitoring –Tuning –Database administration –Development Workbench Creating and testing ABAP/4 programs

4 Introduction to ABAP/4 What is Basis? –Aka Middleware –Between ABAP/4 and the Operating system –ABAP/4 cannot run directly on an operating system –Set of programs (Basis) loads, interprets, and buffers its input and output. –Basis provides the runtime environment –Allows ABAP/4 programs to be ported without modification

5 Introduction to ABAP/4

6 Application server architecture –Components consists of a dispatcher and multiple work processes. –Dispatcher writes all requests to the dispatcher queue. –Requests allocated to work processes on fifo basis. –Each work process needs two special memory areas User context Program Roll area

7 Introduction to ABAP/4

8 Dispatcher and Work processes

9 A dialog step from a program is assigned to a single work process for execution. The individual dialog steps of a program can be executed on different work processes, and the program context must be addressed for each new work process. A work process can execute dialog steps of different programs from different users.

10 Introduction to ABAP/4 Work Process Structure

11 Introduction to ABAP/4 Database Interface

12 ABAP/4 Development Environment Workbench tools – Program editor to create and modify ABAP/4 source code – Data Dictionary where you can create tables, structures and views – Data modeler where you can document the relationships between tables – Function library where you can create global function models – Screen and menu painters for creating user interfaces – Testing & Searching tools Debugger SQL trace tool Runtime analyser Repository search tool

13 ABAP/4 Programming Two main type of ABAP/4 programs – Reports –Dialog programs Report components – Source code – Attributes –Text Elements –Documentation –Variants

14 ABAP/4 Programming SAP program naming conventions –Program name starts with y or z –For example use zstud1_0101 Where stud1 represent your SAP user ID, 01 for Chapter 1, 01 for program 01 within chapter 1 and so on…

15 ABAP/4 Programming Simple select statement –Select * from t1 [into wa ] where f1 op v1 and/or f2 op v2 [order by f1 ]. ……………… endselect. Simple write statement Write / scarr-carrname Write ‘Hallo Sap-world’

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