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S01/04 Bible for all ages ‘All-age talk’ Page 1 of 6 © Scripture Union 2004.

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1 S01/04 Bible for all ages ‘All-age talk’ Page 1 of 6 © Scripture Union 2004


3 Adam met Eve in the Garden of Eden. He said, ‘God has given us all this’. She said, ‘It’s wonderful!’. And the consequence was… …they had everything they needed.

4 Eve met the snake by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She said, ‘God told us not to eat the fruit of this tree.’ He said, ‘Go on, try it − I’m sure God didn’t mean it.’ And the consequence was… …that Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

5 God met Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He said, ‘Did you eat from the tree I told you not to touch?’ They said, ‘It wasn’t our fault − we were tricked into it.’ And the consequence was… …that Adam and Eve lost everything.

6 People meet God through Jesus. We say, ‘Please forgive our sins.’ God says, ‘I will, because of Jesus.’ And the consequence is… …that we can become God’s friends.


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