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Living with the lab The Bug List 4/27/2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Living with the lab The Bug List 4/27/2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 living with the lab The Bug List 4/27/2017

2 The Ten Faces of Innovation
living with the lab The Ten Faces of Innovation IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate & Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization Author – Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman 4/27/2017

3 living with the lab “The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands, but in seeing with new eyes.” Marcel Proust ( ) French Author 4/27/2017

4 living with the lab Discovery “consists of seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one has thought.” Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi (1893 – 1986) Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 4/27/2017

5 living with the lab “If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse.” Henry Ford (1863 – 1947) 4/27/2017

6 Ten Faces of Innovation: The Anthropologist
living with the lab Ten Faces of Innovation: The Anthropologist The Anthropologist observes human behavior with the purpose of developing an understanding of how people respond to their environment. We can use this approach to discover needs and opportunities for new products. 4/27/2017

7 Strategies for Becoming a Better Anthropologist
living with the lab Strategies for Becoming a Better Anthropologist Keep a beginner’s mind – set aside what you already know and observe with a truly open mind. Use a sense of “Vuja De” – see something for the first time even though you have witnessed it many times before. Keep and “Idea Wallet” – take note of particularly innovative concepts that are worth emulating. Keep a “Bug List” – jot down things that don’t work quite right, or bug you, or things that you notice people struggling with. Maintain a Spirit of Curiosity! 4/27/2017

8 Ten Faces of Innovation: The Bug List
living with the lab Ten Faces of Innovation: The Bug List For the first seven classes of ENGR 122 you are going find at least one “bug” for each homework. You can take pictures of this bug, write a description, or record this bug in some other fashion. Later in the quarter, you will compile your lists as a team and use these bugs as a source for your Freshman Design Project. 4/27/2017

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