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2016 Program of Work Trade Advocate on the key trade-related issues of the hemisphere, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Bilateral Tax Treaties (BTT),

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2 2016 Program of Work

3 Trade Advocate on the key trade-related issues of the hemisphere, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Bilateral Tax Treaties (BTT), Services of the Caribbean (SOCA), Northern Triangle Financing, and the Brazil-U.S. Economic Partnership Agreement, as well as look for ways to engage non-traditional trading partners. Work to create a concrete proposal that would solidify AACCLA’s formal position on the TPP. Share BTT background letters and information to Leadership Circle members. Actively promote full implementation and strong enforcement of existing trade agreements, as well as additional trade initiatives that are comprehensive, ambitious, and commercially significant.

4 Trade Facilitation Advocate for full implementation of the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement(TF). Leverage the tools created by GEA and the CLADEC network to advocate the importance of the TFA. Seek to leverage the resources created by the Global Trade Alliance and the Memorandum of Understanding with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to drive forward WTO Trade Facilitation projects. Share best practices for ways in each countries can improve the training of customs officials, including sharing the experience of AmCham Costa Rica and AmCham Mexico. Promote the adoption of trade facilitation and customs modernization measures throughout the Western Hemisphere that enhance regional and national competitiveness and security.

5 Intellectual Property (IP) & Innovation Ensure that all advocacy related to IP utilizes and highlights the importance of innovation. Gather and disseminate information regarding successful IP programs implemented by AmCham’s, including AmCham Panama, AmCham Costa Rica, and AmCham Mexico. Engage the network of AmChams as the U.S. Chamber prepares its Special 301 report submission. Work with the AmChams to build country- specific innovation fact sheets to help empower finance and trade ministers. Foster innovation, harness creativity, champion intellectual property protection, combat counterfeiting and piracy, and eliminate the grey market.

6 Cross-Border Data Flows Share best practices and talking points, especially from the experiences of AmCham Chile and AmCham Brazil, with regard to forced localization legislation. Continue to ensure that the U.S. Chamber’s Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation and the U.S. Chamber’s policy experts are available and responsive to the AmChams as needed. Work with Leadership Circle members to create a strategy paper that AmChams can use to effectively engage in the Cross-Border Data Flow conversation. Promote a healthy regulatory system that enables the free movement of data across national borders and rejects forced localization requirements and one-size- fits-all digital regulation while supporting the privacy of citizens and the national security of countries.

7 Health Care Design a policy platform and best practice manual for utilization by the AmChams, using Leadership Circle member expertise. Create an event series that can be replicated in the region that builds greater awareness around building a partnership across sectors and across government. Work towards formalizing a partnership with the PAHO Foundation. Drive meaningful policy changes that ensure better access to quality health care in the hemisphere and incentivize innovation in the health care space.

8 Contribution of U.S. Business Reinforce the current corporate social responsibility (CSR) work being done in the region by continuing the partnership with the U.S. Chamber Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center, while adjusting to ensure the timeline fits with AmCham programs. Help coordinate CSR activities by adding greater recognition of CSR projects through monthly media outreach, especially highlighting work done by Leadership Circle members. Share AmCham best practices, including a the event experience hosted by AmCham Mexico and the program designed by AmCham Venezuela. Highlight the many areas in which the private sector contributes to economic and social development throughout the Americas.

9 Rule of Law Launch the 2nd Rule of Law Dashboard Report and provide one-pagers to the relevant AmChams. Coordinate a launch event of the Dashboard in Washington, D.C., with the relevant AmChams so that they, too, can create local momentum. Build a network of third-party validators for the report. Identify ways to work with Transparency International and other institutions to highlight the high standards by which U.S. companies operate abroad. Advocate for increased transparency in government procurement processes and in government spending. Partner with the U.S.-based Coalition for the Rule of Law in Global Markets to promote the rule of law.

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