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1 Astro Particle Cosmology Studying SZ Effects with ALMA ALMA/ARC 2007 ALMA/ARC 2007 March 2, 2007 Sergio Colafrancesco Sergio Colafrancesco INAF - Osservatorio.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Astro Particle Cosmology Studying SZ Effects with ALMA ALMA/ARC 2007 ALMA/ARC 2007 March 2, 2007 Sergio Colafrancesco Sergio Colafrancesco INAF - Osservatorio."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Astro Particle Cosmology Studying SZ Effects with ALMA ALMA/ARC 2007 ALMA/ARC 2007 March 2, 2007 Sergio Colafrancesco Sergio Colafrancesco INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Email Email:

2 SZ effect: the standard lore thermal NR e - I 0 (x) I(x)

3 The origin of the SZ effect 1957 A.S. Kompaneets publishes his Compton scattering Fokker-Planck equation 1969 Ya. B. Zel’dovich & R. Sunyaev derive the SZ effect (i.e., applied the Kompaneets eq.) for a thermal intracluster plasma Non-coherent Compton Scattering Fall-out effect of the Cold War (derived by A.S. Kompaneets in Soviet Union  1950 but was classified due to bomb research until 1956)

4 SZ effect: …more than basics thermal NR e - relativistic e - I 0 (x) I(x) I rel (x)

5 Intensity change Spectral shape Thermal Relativistic SZE: general derivation Redistribution function Pressure [ Colafrancesco & al. 2003, A&A, 397, 27]

6 SZE: other sources Kinematic SZE +V p -V p 2.5/h Mpc Rees-Sciama E measures V across line of sight butterfly shape for each cluster amplitude a few  K spectrum same as CMB (Nottale 1984) VtVt

7 Power-law Maxwellian Astrophysical relevance Thermal particles E e  0.1 – 10 keV WIMPs M   10–500 GeV Cosmic rays E e  16GeV B  1/2 ( GHz ) 1/2 3C294 3C432 DRACO 1ES0657-556 B-fields Acceleration procs. Galaxy clusters AGN jets/cavitiesDM naturePlasma physics WHIM

8 Cosmological relevance Galaxy clusters AGN jets/cavitiesDM naturePlasma physics Hubble diagram Cluster counts Cluster velocities T CMB (z)SUSY DM Non-SUSY DM Baryon fraction WHIM Excluded by SZE in Coma Excluded by BBN Excluded by WMAP 3C432 MeV DM sterile …

9 The e  distribution in clusters 50GeV = M  100 GeV 200 GeV 500 GeV T=0.1 keV T=8.2 keV Radio-halo electrons COMA : warm gas + hot gas + radio halo + DM halo

10 The SZE from various e  pops. SZ rel SZ DM SZ kin SZ warm SZ th [ Colafrancesco 2007, New Astr.Rev, 51, 394 ]

11 SZE & cavities in clusters [Colafrancesco. 2005, A&A, 435, L9]

12 SZE from radio-galaxy jets [Colafrancesco. 2007, MNRAS, in press]

13 SZE in DM halos SZ th SZ rel SZ DM SZ kin SZ warm A structure with: Hot gas Warm gas Rel. Plasma DM Distant & V r

14 SZE in DM halos SZ th SZ warm SZ rel SZ DM A structure with: Hot gas Warm gas Rel. Plasma DM Nearby (V r ≈ 0)

15 SZE in DM halos SZ th SZ warm SZ DM A structure with: Hot gas Warm gas DM Nearby (V r ≈ 0)

16 SZE in DM halos SZ DM A structure with: DM Nearby (V r ≈ 0)

17 CMB maps & DRACO

18 SZ DM in Draco [Culverhouse, Ewans & Colafrancesco 2006, MNRAS, 368, 659] SZX-rays

19 The cluster 1ES0657-556 DM clump A) M = 10 15 M  DM clump A) M = 10 15 M  DM clump B) M = 6 10 13 M  DM clump B) M = 6 10 13 M  Gas clump A) T = 14 keV Gas clump A) T = 14 keV Gas clump B) T = 6 keV Gas clump B) T = 6 keV

20 The SZ DM from 1ES0657-556

21 Isolating SZ DM at  223 GHz Frequency (M  = 20 GeV)Neutralino mass ( =223 GHz) [Colafrancesco et al. 2007, A&A, 467, L1]

22 SZE science: requirements SZE Resolution: 1” – 10’  = 10 – 500 GHz 56.7 567 GHz 217 22.6

23 RG jets Shocks, V Cavities DM B-field Cosmology

24 SZE: ALMA resolution

25 SZE: ALMA FOV & resolution ALMA vs SZ non-th ALMA vs SZ cavity ALMA vs SZ DM 250 arcsec arcsec Cavity

26 SZE: ALMA -coverage SZ th SZ DM ALMA vs SZ non-th ALMA vs SZ cavity ALMA vs SZ DM SZ rel SZ warm SZ kin Band 3 Band 6Band 7 Band 9 ALMA reference -bands Band 386 – 116 GHz Band 6211 – 275 GHz Band 7275 – 370 GHz Band 9602 – 720 GHz

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