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Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Sincrotrone Trieste - ELETTRA.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Sincrotrone Trieste - ELETTRA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Sincrotrone Trieste - ELETTRA

2 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Overview Requirements – System characterization Description of the Alarm System Alarm visualization Summary Conclusions Outline 2

3 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Alarm: asynchronous notification that some event has happened or that a given state has been reached Alarm system: a complex that allows for creating, configuring and managing alarms The Alarm Collector: an alarm system developed for the TANGO control system framework Overview 3

4 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Easily configurable at runtime: tools to add or remove alarms without restarting the system Support for complex alarm rules based on formulas is desirable Flexible enough to carry some specific additional information, such as a specific message for the machine operator Consistent between multiple clients: they must share and show the same information Requirements (1) 4 The Alarm System should fulfil some requirements to be successfully and profitably integrated into the control system

5 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Alarm rules based on input values from multiple computers of the control system are required Equipment controller Ion pump Penning C.C. PS ID Corrector PS... Centralized alarm system Alarm client... Requirements (2) Alarm client Equipment controller Equipment controller 5 A centralized system satisfies this requirement in a simple and effective manner Controlled device Low-level computer Server Workstation

6 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 In order to define each alarm and specify the associated condition an “alarm rule” should be written Each alarm rule is made by three distinct fields: a unique self-explaining label: the alarm name the condition to be evaluated: the alarm formula an optional text message The alarm formula is made by identifiers, numbers, operators and simple mathematical functions Alarm rules 6

7 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Binary and logical operators are available...that allow for: Round brackets can be used to define the priority of combined conditions Simple mathematical functions like abs, fabs etc. can be used &, |, ^, ~, *, +, -, (), >, =,, !=, &&, ||, ! comparing a value with a predefined mask, a reference or another value complement, negate, shift... combining several logical conditions “Identifiers” are the TANGO attributes that specify the input values Alarm formula 7

8 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Basic alarm rule: check power supply status sr/pscid/s1.1/off({sr/pscid/s1.1/stat} & 0x40)“C.C. PS off” sr/pscid/s1.1/off (({sr/pscid/s1.1/stat} & 0x40) && ({sr/carid/s1.1/stat} & 0x100)) “Correction Coil Power Supply OFF” sr/psch/s10.1/highthr (({sr/psch/s10.1/stat} & 0x80) && ({sr/psch/s10.1/curr} > 15.0)) “Corrector PS supplied current high threshold” Combining the status of two devices: correction coil power supply is off and insertion device feed-forward orbit correction loop is enabled Mixing digital and analog values: corrector status and supplied current Alarm rule: examples 8

9 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 The alarm system composes a formatted text string called “alarm message” containing all the relevant information: time stamp alarm name (identifier) As a result of the formula evaluation the status of a given alarm could assume two values: ALARM or NORMAL alarm status acknowledge flag status optional text message An acknowledge flag is also associated to each alarm (ACK, NOT_ACK) Mon Sep 19 10:50:55 2005 sr/rfamp/s3.1/off ALARM NOT_ACK RF amplifier off Ex: Alarm message 9

10 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Manages the alarm system current status in a centralized manner The core of the alarm system is a special TANGO device server based on a double client/server architecture Relies on the TANGO event system to collect input values as well as to provide alarm notifications configuration of the alarm system in the database information consistency between multiple clients increased efficiency, responsiveness and lower network load methods for adding and removing alarms keep system and database coherent as a client gathers input values from TANGO devices and as a server provides alarm notifications The Alarm Collector 10 no provision to work without events

11 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 alarm loggeralarm display Alarm Collector server client server subscribe to alarm event 4 - push alarm event 2 - subscribe to events specified in alarm rules 3 - push event[s]... TANGO DB 1 - load alarm rules from DB Load alarm rules from database Subscribe to attribute events specified in the alarm rules Wait for inputs, i.e. events Got event: evaluate formulas containing the corresponding attribute Build fresh alarm message list Push alarm event to interested clients device How it works? 11 Not all formulas!

12 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Each token is assigned a unique value to be returned to the parser while scanning the formula The scanner is able to split each alarm formula into its basic tokens: operators, numbers and attributes The alarm formula evaluation is made at runtime by means of a lexical scanner and a parser The parser can apply to the operands the rules specified in its grammar and finally evaluate the whole formula GNU Flex and Bison used to write the scanner and the parser Scanner and parser 12

13 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Red: ALARM status Yellow: ALARM and ACK status Green: NORMAL and NOT_ACK status Acknowledge push buttons Time stampAlarm name Alarm status Acknowledge flag Message Courtesy V.Forchi' Alarm visualization 13

14 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 Proven to be flexible and quite easily configurable Support of digital and analog input values Straightforward use of complex alarm formula Centralized alarm management: consistent between multiple alarm clients Collection of input values transparent from any TANGO device server More than one Alarm Collector instance feasible, for instance to separate two logical domains Summary 14

15 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005 An alarm system integrated into the TANGO control system framework has been proposed and developed Successfully tested at ELETTRA Plans to be adopted in the new booster control system But... still young, thus available for improvements wider TANGO events support support alarm hierarchy for simpler alarm dependency management... Conclusions 15

16 Development of the TANGO Alarm System Thank you for your attention Lorenzo Pivetta – ICALEPCS 2005

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