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Overview of Country Reports on Metadata: Where are the Gaps? By: Romeo S. Recide Maura S. Lizarondo Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Department of Agriculture,

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Country Reports on Metadata: Where are the Gaps? By: Romeo S. Recide Maura S. Lizarondo Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Department of Agriculture,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Country Reports on Metadata: Where are the Gaps? By: Romeo S. Recide Maura S. Lizarondo Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Department of Agriculture, Philippines By: Romeo S. Recide Maura S. Lizarondo Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Department of Agriculture, Philippines

2 Introduction CountrySTAT as a tool for establishing metadata Varied ways of presenting metadata Why do statistical systems need good metadata? The annotated outline CountrySTAT as a tool for establishing metadata Varied ways of presenting metadata Why do statistical systems need good metadata? The annotated outline

3 Objective: To present the major findings of the review Identify gaps and the constraints in fulfilling the requirements of producing standard metadata Recommend (initially) actions on how the agricultural statistical systems can produce high quality metadata To present the major findings of the review Identify gaps and the constraints in fulfilling the requirements of producing standard metadata Recommend (initially) actions on how the agricultural statistical systems can produce high quality metadata

4 Methodology Use of the Annotated Outline as the basis of the review : item by item Has the report appropriately and adequately responded to questions or instructions? Has the report followed the sequence of the Outline? Use of the Annotated Outline as the basis of the review : item by item Has the report appropriately and adequately responded to questions or instructions? Has the report followed the sequence of the Outline?

5 Findings: General comments not that easy to follow the outline not that easy to put together all the information called for not that easy to dissociate data presentation for agriculture from data presentation about the data General comments not that easy to follow the outline not that easy to put together all the information called for not that easy to dissociate data presentation for agriculture from data presentation about the data

6 Specific findings : chapter1 no clear reference to existence of advisory bodies No clear discussion on competencies & administrative relationships among agencies No info on budgets & statistical programmers Different interpretations of terms on outputs and dissemination; no info on release calendar, pricing policy, ministerial commentary & advanced notice of change in methodology No clear statement on conduct of dialogues with users & existence of international cooperation A number of reports did not present strategic plan no clear reference to existence of advisory bodies No clear discussion on competencies & administrative relationships among agencies No info on budgets & statistical programmers Different interpretations of terms on outputs and dissemination; no info on release calendar, pricing policy, ministerial commentary & advanced notice of change in methodology No clear statement on conduct of dialogues with users & existence of international cooperation A number of reports did not present strategic plan

7 Chapter 2 many reports not only listed statistics & indicators but presented data as well no info re: availability of time series data many reports missed out on info about missing data, revision & updating, seasonal adjustments The sub topic on other reference information was not given much attention many reports not only listed statistics & indicators but presented data as well no info re: availability of time series data many reports missed out on info about missing data, revision & updating, seasonal adjustments The sub topic on other reference information was not given much attention

8 Chapter 3 Only a few reports presented the overview of censuses, surveys and administrative registers discussions on surveys and censuses’ designs were not focused and quite disorganized light treatment of the topic on conduct, operations and quality control Only a few reports presented the overview of censuses, surveys and administrative registers discussions on surveys and censuses’ designs were not focused and quite disorganized light treatment of the topic on conduct, operations and quality control

9 Recommendations: in general terms, simply respond to the requirements of the outline put as an annex copy of the legislative acts or executive order; this shall be created as a link in the metadata clarify and standardize the terms used,e.g., medium & format, periodicity & frequency, release calendar in general terms, simply respond to the requirements of the outline put as an annex copy of the legislative acts or executive order; this shall be created as a link in the metadata clarify and standardize the terms used,e.g., medium & format, periodicity & frequency, release calendar

10 Concluding notes: the adoption of the outline is strongly endorsed more than the accomplishment of the report itself, what remains as a big challenge is the web publication of metadata and linking them to the databases and data tables the adoption of the outline is strongly endorsed more than the accomplishment of the report itself, what remains as a big challenge is the web publication of metadata and linking them to the databases and data tables

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