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Kindergarten Newsletter Mrs. Leland’s Class For the week of January 14-18, 2013 Language Arts Focus: Review “Popcorn Words” Math Focus: Notes from Mrs.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Newsletter Mrs. Leland’s Class For the week of January 14-18, 2013 Language Arts Focus: Review “Popcorn Words” Math Focus: Notes from Mrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Newsletter Mrs. Leland’s Class For the week of January 14-18, 2013 Language Arts Focus: Review “Popcorn Words” Math Focus: Notes from Mrs. Leland:Calendar Notes: This week we will introduce two new sounds. We call them the “nose sounds”’ m and n. We will also talk about the sound –ing such as in the words ring, king, and sing. We call this sound “the king of -ing” to help them remember. They are called nose sounds because if it weren’t for our nose, we wouldn’t be able to pronounce these sounds. If you pinch your nose, you cannot say “mmmmm” or “nnnnnnnn.” We had “snow” much fun exploring snow last week. We did a snow science experiment where we had to write and draw observations over the course of 24 hours! This week we will be doing more activities around the theme of snow and snowmen. Be sure to as them about what they think snowmen do at night. During stations they will get to be detectives as they search for popcorn words. They will also get to play a new game to practice reading nonsense words. On the computer, they will read a new Starfall book, The Big Hit. At the reading station, they will get a new book to read. We have really been practicing our fluency when we read, as well as identifying the characters and setting. The children will also have more practice learning how to “Visualize” when they are reading. Be sure to keep reading at home! It definitely shows up during our reading stations! Wow! I could really tell who had practiced counting over Christmas break. I have seen a lot of improvement with that skill. We will continue to work on decomposing (telling how many tens and ones) in a given number and adding numbers this week. The children are getting so much better at these skills. During stations the children will play games to reinforce these skills. To help at home, have your child roll a dice and then add 10 to the number they rolled. Ask them what that number would be and how many 10s and 1s in the number. You could do the same with the 10 frame cards that were sent home during conferences. Another way to help at home is to give your child two numbers and ask which number is bigger. I have been so impressed with your child’s math skills lately! Last week it made my heart smile listening to them add numbers! Keep up the great work! We continue to need parent help during our school day. If there is ever a day that you have a break from work or getting things done at home, feel free to contact me and let me know you can come in! Our stations especially only function due to our parent volunteers! Thanks in advance for your help with this! 100 day is coming up soon! We will be doing a lot of fun activities that have to do with 100! Just a heads up, two different notes will be coming home this week. One note will be for supplies we will need and the second note is for a fun at home 100 activity that you can complete as a family. Please let me know if you have any questions about this! FYI: 2 Hour Delay Time: 10:40 – 3:40 Monday, January 14: PTO meeting 7:00 Tuesday, January 15: Report cards due Monday, January 21: No School (unless it is a snow make-up day) that, do, are Contact Information: Room: 205 Phone: 839-4802 ext 205 E-mail: Website:

2 Special Class Schedule Monday: Library Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Music Thursday: Gym Friday: Library

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