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Hand Drafting for Interior Designers Diana Bennett Wirtz ASID, IIDA.

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Presentation on theme: "Hand Drafting for Interior Designers Diana Bennett Wirtz ASID, IIDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand Drafting for Interior Designers Diana Bennett Wirtz ASID, IIDA

2 Copyright ©2010 Fairchild Books All rights reserved. No part of this presentation covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means–graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems–without written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-1-56367-985-8 GST R 133004424

3 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Chapter Eight

4 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Drawing Elevations 4

5 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Drawing Furniture in Elevation 5

6 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Drawing Windows in Elevation 6

7 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Drawing Windows in Elevation Windows can make an elevation look more believable 7

8 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Outside the Window 8

9 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Window Coverings 9

10 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Window Coverings Window Coverings add character 10

11 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. Simple to Formal Window Coverings 11

12 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc. This is the same wall drawn six different ways 12

13 Kitchen Elevations 13

14 Height/Space Requirements in the Kitchen 14 ©2010 Fairchild Books, a division on Conde' Nast Publications, Inc.

15 Standard Sizes in the Kitchen 15

16 DRAF 70 elevations ASSIGNMENT #6 using the ½” scale kitchen that you drafted from the Kilmer floor plan, create elevations in ½” scale for each of the four walls— please be aware of how these four drawings are all going to fit on one sheet of paper using the conventions for graphic symbols discussed in week 4, differentiate the elevations on the plan drawings

17 DRAF 70 floor plans—scaling & dimensioning graphic symbols & text notation are incorporated into the plan to make it as clear as possible room use section cuts—pg. 114 interior & exterior elevations—pg. 115

18 DRAF 70 floor plans—scaling & dimensioning graphic symbols & text notation are incorporated into the plan to make it as clear as possible room use section cuts—pg. 114 various notes are also added to convey specific information to client or builder—keep to minimum to avoid clutter

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