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Warm up What are three major cleavages in Mexico? Which do you think is the most disruptive in Mexico?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up What are three major cleavages in Mexico? Which do you think is the most disruptive in Mexico?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up What are three major cleavages in Mexico? Which do you think is the most disruptive in Mexico?

2 Current Issues in Mexico

3 The Economy Since the Mexican Revolution, the standard of living has greatly improved – Drop in infant mortality, rise in literacy rates and life expectancy Diversification since the oil crash of the 1980’s Still, income inequality, urban planning, and pollution are huge issues U.S. recession hurt growth rates (exports dropped 36% in 2008 alone) Unlike Brazil, Mexico doesn’t trade much with BRIC’s, they trade with…the US

4 PEMEX PEMEX—Large, inefficient para-statal (what does that mean?) ¼ of Mexico’s tax revenue! Poor infrastructure Being privatized/given more autonomy by Calderon Pena Nieto— “We will not privatize PEMEX,” but increased cooperation with foreign oil companies

5 Free Trade Agreements NAFTA—Free trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada – Eliminated barriers and tariffs Maquiladoras—Factories along the border that make goods to be sold in the US – 20% of Mexico’s labor force – Cheap labor – No environmental regulations WTO—Mexico is a member – Helped diversify exports, improve trade with other countries besides the USA


7 Immigration Unlike the EU, NAFTA does not allow immigration between member states Vicente Fox— Immigration reform Unpopular fence Improving the economy to reduce immigration Drop in recent years


9 What would you expect in this Mexican Province?

10 Ethnic Rebellions Zapatistas—Zapatista National Liberation Front Ethnic rebellion that began in 1994 in Chiapas (southern state) to protest NAFTA Thought NAFTA increased exploitation by landowners of cheap labor Mainly rural Amerindians rebelling against urban mestizos Now more based in civil resistance Want more autonomy for predominately indigenous states in southern Mexico 2006 Oaxaca protests


12 Teacher protests! PRI had a strong relationship with teachers’ unions Kept teacher pay high, and in return… Pena Nieto—Enacted teacher reforms – Now need to take a test to qualify for teaching – Teacher evaluations – Led to huge protests in the capital – Military cleared out protesters


14 Drug Trafficking Calderon—Sent troops into areas that had lots of trafficking Led to huge wave of violence Contrast in murder rates between the north and the south Increased US involvement since 2011 Trafficking leads to…

15 Corruption Long rule by PRI led to extensive patron-client system IFE—Instituto Federal Electoral Independent body that monitors elections – Limit contributions to campaigns – Privatization and independence of media – International monitors – Monitoring from opposition parties

16 Corruption Index

17 Review! 1.What steps do you think Mexico needs to take to address its slow economic growth? 2.Do you think NAFTA is a good thing for the Mexican economy? Membership in the WTO? 3.Do you support the Zapatista movement in Mexico? 4.What policies should be enacted in Mexico to address immigration to the US? 5.Do you agree with Calderon and Nieto’s mobilization of the military to fight drug trafficking? 6.Why was the 2006 election important to Mexico’s legitimacy? 7.What do you think is Mexico’s biggest problem moving forward? Why?

18 Political Parties in Mexico! Get a textbook and go to page 365-366. Use those pages to fill in the table given to you. Add to the table: – History and TRADITIONAL REGIONS OF SUPPORT – Platform on major issues AND MAJOR POLITICIANS

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