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IConverter TEAM 1 Denesh Kumar Krishnan Rajaram Sumanth Meda Jayaprakash Kapil Vyas.

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Presentation on theme: "IConverter TEAM 1 Denesh Kumar Krishnan Rajaram Sumanth Meda Jayaprakash Kapil Vyas."— Presentation transcript:

1 iConverter TEAM 1 Denesh Kumar Krishnan Rajaram Sumanth Meda Jayaprakash Kapil Vyas

2  JUnit test cases  Static analysis  Multiple accessibility  Documentation (In progress)

3  [estimate][actual]  Final Iteration: April 30 [15h][11]  JUnit testing  Static analysis  Documentation

4  edu.uta.iconverter.converter  Classes for converter engine, RegEx, Parsing the file, etc.  edu.uta.iconverter.test  Test cases for the conversion validation  edu.uta.iconverter.ui  Class to provide simple GUI for the application  edu.uta.iconverter.util  Class to read and write to/from a text file(Java/C#)

5  Ten test cases – various java classes with diverse functionality  All test cases succeeds

6  Warning priority: Low (Find high, medium and low priority bugs)

7  Warning priority: Medium (Find high and medium priority bugs)

8  Warning priority: High (Find high priority bugs only)

9  Cost-per-Person month = $3600  Cost-per-hour: $18  SLOC: 600  Evasion of few risks  Implementing few innovative algorithms

10  Syntactic analysis  Hello World!  Main and other methods  Data Types  Operators  Flow control (switch statements)  Looping statements  Class fundamentals  Exception handling  Arrays  Comments  Compiler Services (!)  Code testing  Static analysis

11  IDE: Eclipse Indigo Service Release 1  Debugger: Eclipse  Code/Documents Repository: SVN through Subclipse and TortoiseSVN  Project Management: Google Code  Issue Tracking: Google Code  Testing Tools: Junit  Static Analysis Tool: FindBugs  COCOMO2:

12  1. source control? Yes “Google SVN”  2. build in one step? Yes “ANT build”  3. daily builds? Yes  4. bug database? Yes “ Issue tracker on Google code ”  5. fix bugs before writing new code? Yes  6. up-to-date schedule? Yes  7. spec? Yes  8. quiet working conditions? Yes  9. best tools? Yes  10. Testing? Yes  11. Hallway usability testing? - Yes

13  More RegEx  More test cases  Cover more java functionalities  Semantic conversion  Compiler services  Bytecode conversion

14   


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