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Political Perspective of the Environmental Movement.

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1 Political Perspective of the Environmental Movement

2 “SUSTAINIBILITY PROJECT” Gregory C. Morris Columbus State 18 April 2011

3 Innovation of Environmental Policy. Special Interest Groups v Public Interest. Political Discernment v. Environmental Concerns.

4 Environmental Policy Creation and implementation of legislation to ensure sustainability.

5 1 st Issue 1) Political Discernment versus Environmental Concerns. How does the environment rank in the realm of politics?

6 Support for Environment received its strongest support during the 1970’s. Support has declined in recent decades.

7 Economic issues often take priority over environmental issues. Environment does not cause urgency.

8 Legislation is reactive NOT proactive. Gradual changes cause a “stuck in the mud” effect.

9 In the political realm one type of green does not equal another type of green!

10 2 nd Issue 2) Special Interest v. Public Interest. Why does special interest appear to have more influence?

11 Special Interest - Have built in advantages: Better organized. Unification. Benefits for elected officials.

12 Policy Paradox Africa is allowed to increase carbon emissions. Carbon disrupts the climate.

13 Policy Paradox CAA/CWA increased standards for quality. But the implementation of the standards has been reduced.

14 Policy Paradox Political division over environmental issues worsen even though people agree that there the environment is important.

15 Environmental Legislation Fragmented Incremental Lack of Enforcement

16 MEDIA 1960’s- Only Economic Concerns. “Economic Poison” Industry favored 82%.

17 MEDIA Pro-Environment messages- Negative 80%. “Doom and Gloom”

18 NIMBY Not In My Back Yard. Environment Impact: Individuals Families

19 Future Legislation Moving Target: Technology Tougher Strategies. Climate Change (Global Warming.

20 Future Legislation Pluralism- Issues and Parties involved. Polarized Congress. Educated Public.

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