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1 031-503-3014 VG Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Identify requirements to supervise operational decontamination procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "1 031-503-3014 VG Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Identify requirements to supervise operational decontamination procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 031-503-3014 VG Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Identify requirements to supervise operational decontamination procedures.

2 2 031-503-3014 VG Terminal Learning Objective (cont.) CONDITIONS: Given a simulation describing a contaminated unit, platoon or equivalent sized element (at MOPP4 for chemical or biological contamination) with degraded combat effectiveness and/or MOPP gear that is in danger of being penetrated by contamination, replacement MOPP gear for each soldier, organic equipment, NBC detection equipment, pioneer tools, vehicles and/or aircraft, contaminated equipment, contaminated unit support personnel, decontamination unit support, a pencil, paper, and unit SOP.

3 3 031-503-3014 VG Terminal Learning Objective (cont.) STANDARD: Identify the steps to: (a) Coordinate with support personnel and obtain the required supplies, equipment, and support. (b) Move a unit to the decontamination site for proper setup of the vehicle washdown and MOPP gear exchange sites. (c) Operate a vehicle washdown site. (d) Operate the MOPP gear exchange site. (e) Account for personnel and continue the mission.

4 4 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective A ACTIONS: Identify the requirements to conduct the preparation phase of operational decontamination.

5 5 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective A (cont.) CONDITIONS: Given a simulation describing a contaminated unit, platoon or equivalent sized element (at MOPP 4 for chemical or biological contamination) with degraded combat effectiveness and/or MOPP gear that is in danger of being penetrated by contamination, organic equipment, NBC detection equipment, contaminated vehicles and equipment, contaminated unit support personnel, decontamination unit support, and unit SOP.

6 6 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective A (cont.) STANDARD: Identify the following requirements for: Coordination, site selection, rendezvous, and site setup.

7 7 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective B ACTION: Identify the requirements to conduct the execution phase of operational decontamination.

8 8 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective B (cont.) CONDITIONS: Given a simulation describing a contaminated unit, platoon or equivalent sized element (at MOPP 4 for chemical or biological contamination) with degraded combat effectiveness and/or MOPP gear that is in danger of being penetrated by contamination, NBC detection equipment, contaminated vehicles and equipment, contaminated unit support personnel, decontamination unit support, and unit SOP.

9 9 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective B (cont.) STANDARD: Identify both the supported and unsupported requirements and the requirements for individual decontamination.

10 10 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective C ACTION: Identify the requirements to conduct site clearance phase of operational decontamination including marking and reporting.

11 11 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective C (cont.) CONDITIONS: Given a simulation describing a contaminated unit, platoon or equivalent sized element (at MOPP 4 for chemical or biological contamination) with degraded combat effectiveness and/or MOPP gear that is in danger of being penetrated by contamination, replacement MOPP gear for each soldier, organic equipment, NBC detection equipment, pioneer tools, vehicles and/or aircraft, contaminated equipment, contaminated unit support personnel, decontamination unit support, and unit SOP.

12 12 031-503-3014 VG Learning Objective C (cont.) STANDARD: Identify the requirements for the site clearance phase of operational decon including marking and reporting.

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