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Scope the project. Define the project The project must be clearly defined. i.e. what the project is all about? One of the reasons for the project failure.

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Presentation on theme: "Scope the project. Define the project The project must be clearly defined. i.e. what the project is all about? One of the reasons for the project failure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scope the project

2 Define the project The project must be clearly defined. i.e. what the project is all about? One of the reasons for the project failure is the people-to- people communication. The solution to this problem is the CONDITION OF SATISFACTION. After condition of satisfaction, POS is prepared. It is a one page document also. POS clearly states that what is to be done. once the POS is approved, the scoping phase is complete.

3 Develop condition of satisfaction It involves four parts: Request : a request is made Clarification: the conversation between the requestor and the provider to clear the understanding of the request. Response : the provider states what he or she is capable of doing to satisfy the request. Agreement: At this point both parties have established a clear understanding of what is being provided.

4 An example…. Suppose you want a certain model of widgets in forest green to ship to your ware house by July 1, 2009. you call the manufacturer to make this request. The conversation would go some thing like this: Requestor; I would like u to build five prototypes of new forest green widgets and ship them to my ware house on July 1,2009.

5 Cont’d…. Provider: you are asking if we can get five green widget prototypes into your ware house by July 1, 2009. Requestor: actually if you can get them shipped by July 1, 2009 that will be acceptable. But remember, they have to be forest green. Provider: so If july1,2009 I can ship five forest green widgets to your ware house, you will be satisfied.

6 Cont’d…. Requestor: yes, but they must be new model, not the old model Provider: the new model? Requestor: the new model Provider: I believe I understand what you have asked for. Requestor: yes I believe you do.

7 Cont’d…. Provider: because of my current production schedule and the fact that I have to change paint colour, I can ship two forest green widgets on June 25,2009 and the remaining three on July 8,2009. Requestor: if I understand you correctly, I will get five prototypes of the new forest green widgets in two shipments …. Two proto types on June 25,and three on July 8, is that correct?

8 Cont’d…. Provider: not wont receive on these dates. I will ship them to your ware house on those dates. Requestor: so, let me summarize to make sure I understand what you are able to do for me. You will build a total of five prototypes of the new forest green widgets for me and ship two of them on June 25 and the remaining three on July 8? Provider : that’s correct.

9 Project overview statement(POS) The conditions statement provides the input you need to generate POS. It’s a short document (ideally one page) that concisely states what is to be done in the project, why it is to be done and what business value it will provide to the enterprise when completed. The main purpose of POS is to secure management approval.

10 Parts of POS Problem / opportunity Project goal: what you intend to do to address the problem/opportunity identified the problem or opportunity section. Objectives (indicators) Success criteria : customer satisfaction pre and post survey. Productivity, sales, cost etc. Assumptions, Risk and obstacles: technological, environmental, interpersonal etc.

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