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Water and Carbon Essentials for Life The Perfect Earth has water in the appropriate state on earth – liquid – which is unusual; most materials are solid.

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Carbon Essentials for Life The Perfect Earth has water in the appropriate state on earth – liquid – which is unusual; most materials are solid."— Presentation transcript:


2 Water and Carbon Essentials for Life

3 The Perfect Earth has water in the appropriate state on earth – liquid – which is unusual; most materials are solid has water in the appropriate state on earth – liquid – which is unusual; most materials are solid has plenty of carbon which is the backbone of biochemicals has plenty of carbon which is the backbone of biochemicals

4 Besides The perfect distance from the sun The perfect distance from the sun The perfect tilt – 23 o – produces the seasons of changes The perfect tilt – 23 o – produces the seasons of changes The perfect orbit and rotation

5 Wonderful Water

6 Facts: Facts: 1. Colorless, odorless, tasteless 2. Transparent - light can pass through water to the phototrophs 3. ~70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water; 97% of the 70% is in the ocean

7 4. Cells are from 65% - 95% water ***5. The properties of water contribute to the Earth’s fitness for life and all properties are based on the polarity of water

8 The Structure of Water - Polar Oto H bond is covalent – shared electrons Is Is Polar!! - O is more electronegative than H, so electrons spend more time around O than H (more pull)

9 Water is polar! Water is polar! H + - O - O H + angle ~104 degrees



12 Properties of Water 1. Sticky - Surface tension 1. Sticky - Surface tension a. cohesion bonds to self b. adhesion bonds to other things 2. Cooling/heating – heat absorption and evaporation (high specific heat) 2. Cooling/heating – heat absorption and evaporation (high specific heat) 3. Unique freezing properties 3. Unique freezing properties 4. Excellent Solvent 4. Excellent Solvent

13 Properties of water that make it perfect for life – based on Polarity 1. Sticky and Surface Tension 1. Sticky and Surface Tension a. Cohesion – hydrogen bonds between two water molecules hold water in a more structured form than many liquids a. Cohesion – hydrogen bonds between two water molecules hold water in a more structured form than many liquids


15 Importance: Importance: 1. Helps move water as a unit from one place in an organism to another; one water molecule drags others with it as it moves examples: movement from roots to leaves; fluids in the circulatory systems of animals

16 2. Cohesion creates a strong surface tension/film on surface of bodies of water. 2. Cohesion creates a strong surface tension/film on surface of bodies of water. examples: bugs walk on water; drop of water stays together; you can skip a stone on water




20 b. Adhesion - water bonds to other molecules/surfaces b. Adhesion - water bonds to other molecules/surfacesImportance: 1. Helps “body” fluids move against gravity by clinging to walls of cells

21 example: capillary action in blood vessels; meniscus; water flow through xylem cells in plants




25 2. Transpiration of water from leaves pulls new water molecules into the leaves




29 2. Excellent temperature controller High specific heat/high boiling point - water can absorb a lot of energy (heat) before the temperature of the water will change High specific heat/high boiling point - water can absorb a lot of energy (heat) before the temperature of the water will changeImportance: a. Large bodies of water heat up and cool down slowly so no major impact on life

30 b. Temperature of water and earth does not fluctuate (~100 degrees) greatly; good for life. c. organisms, which are mostly water, can resist temperature changes

31 Evaporative cooling - as water changes from a liquid to a gas it will take a lot of energy (heat) with it when it evaporates, cooling down the water/organism left behind Evaporative cooling - as water changes from a liquid to a gas it will take a lot of energy (heat) with it when it evaporates, cooling down the water/organism left behind

32 Importance: a. Helps prevent overheating of water environments

33 Sea Breeze Land Breeze

34 3. Freezing Property High freezing point and less dense as a solid; water expands when frozen; water is most dense at 4 o C (molecules closest together) and freezes at 0 o C (molecules farther apart) High freezing point and less dense as a solid; water expands when frozen; water is most dense at 4 o C (molecules closest together) and freezes at 0 o C (molecules farther apart)Importance: a. Floating ice insulates and protects water environments during extreme cold




38 As water freezes it expands 1/10 causing cell and tissue damage

39 4. Solvent/solutions Excellent solvent - water will dissolve other polar molecules; universal solvent Importance: a. Will dissolve the materials that are needed for life and moves them around the body


41 Fabulous Carbon

42 Fact: Fact: The chemistry of life is based on the structure and reacting ability of carbon.

43 Structure: Carbon atomic number 6 Carbon atomic number 6 atomic mass 12 atomic mass 12 electrons are placed in orbits so that there are 4 electrons in the outer most energy level


45 What does that mean? Carbon is Versatile!!! 1. 1. Carbon can form 4 covalent bonds 2. 2. Carbon can bond to itself to make a. chains b. branches c. rings Very Versatile!!

46 C Represents Bonds (shared Pair of electrons)



49 rings rings

50 3. 3. Carbon -- Carbon bonds have a freedom of motion, therefore, molecules are very flexible double bonds triple bonds double and triples bonds not as flexible


52 4. Carbon covalently bonds easily to other elements 4. Carbon covalently bonds easily to other elements H O N P S Na Ca

53 Classes of Organic Compounds 1. Carbohydrates 1. Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 2. Lipids 3. Proteins 3. Proteins 4. Nucleic Acids 4. Nucleic Acids

54 Group Assignment - Biochemistry Form a group of 4 Form a group of 4 Put all names on a sheet of notebook paper Put all names on a sheet of notebook paper Create a chart with 4 columns Create a chart with 4 columns Column 1 - Carbohydrates Column 1 - Carbohydrates Column 2 - Lipids Column 2 - Lipids Column 3 - Proteins Column 3 - Proteins Column 4 - Nucleic Acids Column 4 - Nucleic Acids Write any fact or item that your group can come up with about the biochemical in each column Write any fact or item that your group can come up with about the biochemical in each column

55 What Property of Water Explains 1. the formation of urine 1. the formation of urine 2. the constant temperature of the earth ~100 degrees 2. the constant temperature of the earth ~100 degrees 3. capillary action 3. capillary action

56 4. transpiration from leaves of plants 4. transpiration from leaves of plants 5. ice protecting water life forms 5. ice protecting water life forms 6. is polar 6. is polar

57 7. meniscus 7. meniscus 8. dissolving polar molecules of biochemicals 8. dissolving polar molecules of biochemicals 9. the ability to skip stones 9. the ability to skip stones

58 10. oil does not dissolve 10. oil does not dissolve 11. dragging water molecules along when moves 11. dragging water molecules along when moves 12. clings to glass 12. clings to glass

59 13. causes pot holes and erosion of rock 13. causes pot holes and erosion of rock 14. keeps organisms cool and at a constant temperature 14. keeps organisms cool and at a constant temperature 15. water to water bonds absorb a lot of heat 15. water to water bonds absorb a lot of heat

60 16. energy moves from water to water bonds easily 16. energy moves from water to water bonds easily

61 Fabulous C 1. What makes C so fit for life? 1. What makes C so fit for life? 2. What can C make? 2. What can C make? 3. What elements can C bond to easily? 3. What elements can C bond to easily?

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