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Introduction to Spanners Academic Registry. Spanning Blocks The term ‘Spanner’ is used to describe any student whose year of study (block) spans two academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Spanners Academic Registry. Spanning Blocks The term ‘Spanner’ is used to describe any student whose year of study (block) spans two academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Spanners Academic Registry

2 Spanning Blocks The term ‘Spanner’ is used to describe any student whose year of study (block) spans two academic years Example: January 2010 starter Takes 1 st part of block in 2009/10 (January 2010- 31 st July 2010) Takes 2 nd part of block in 2010/11 (1 st August 2010 – January 2011)

3 Spanning Modules: Standard Spanning students take modules according to the standard academic year Example: January 2010 starter Modules starting January 2010 and finishing before July 31 st 2010 will be Semester 2 2009/10 modules (SEM2) Modules starting May 2010 (mainly HCES) and finishing before July 31 st 2010 will be Semester 3 2009/10 (SEM3) Modules starting from after 1 st August 2010 and finishing January 2011 will be Semester 1 2010/11 (SEM1)

4 Spanning Modules: Year Long Year long modules for spanning students are split over 2 academic years Example: January 2010 starter YL Spanning Module starts/finishes January 2010 – May 2010 will be Semester 2 2009/10 module (YLSEM2) YL Spanning Module starts/finishes May 2010 – July 2010 will be Semester 3 2009/10 (YLSEM3) YL Spanning Module starts/finishes August 2010- January 2011 will be Semester 1 2010/11 (YLSEM1)

5 Spanning Diets Created to ensure the spanning student’s programme structure covers both academic years A separate diet must be set up each part of the block Both halves of the spanning year long module record must be attached to the diet

6 Spanning Diets: Codes 1 st Part  2009FBIO11FNN11 (Block 11) 2nd Part  2010FBIO11FNN12 (Block 12) For further information about the diet coding strategy and setting up spanning diets refer to the appropriate section in the SITS manual Module Diets &Scheduling

7 Spanning Diets: Attaching Modules 1 st Part  2009FBIO11FNN11  2009/10 Semester 2 (2009/0 SEM 2)  2009/10 Year Long Semester 2 start (2009/0 YLSEM2)  2009/10 Year Long Semester 3 start (2009/0 YLSEM3) 2nd Part  2010FBIO11FNN12  2010/11 Semester 1 ( 2010/1 SEM 1)  2010/11 Year Long Semester 1 finish (2010/1 YLSEM1)

8 Points to Remember Spanning modules must be set up correctly in the MAV as well as the PDM1 screen For further information about setting up spanning modules refer to the appropriate section in the SITS manual Module Creation &Maintenance Non-Compensatable modules must be identified when the diet is created

9 Spanning Student Enrolment: Undergraduate Students enrol at progression point Example: January 2010 starter July 31 st /1 August 2010 will be flipped onto the second part of the spanner (12) by Academic Registry January 2011 once PAB held, if student eligible will be progressed onto next block (21) Student will need to enrol onto next block

10 Spanning Student Enrolment: Postgraduate At the end of block, the school runs student through SITS progression steps (CSP) Example: January 2010 starter July 31 st /1 August 2010 school runs the student through CSP and either manually enter PGCONT progression code if there is no PAB board or if a PAB has occurred the relevant PIT code is entered New academic year record will be created with enrolled status

11 Spanning Student Enrolment: Postgraduate Research All PGR students re-enrol in August onto part 2 of the spanning record Academic Registry will flip the student onto the next block at the anniversary of their enrolment Example: January 2010 starter Aug 2010 student will re-enrol onto block 12 January 2011 Academic Registry will flip the student onto 21

12 Marks Entry for Spanning Modules Non-spanning modules; marks are entered against the normal module code YL spanning modules; marks are entered against the first part of the module Example: YL module starting in January 2010 Marks would be entered against YLSEM2 2009/10 SMRs would not be generated for YLSEM1 2010/11

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