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How do we manage earthquake hazards? Three main choices: Do nothing – accept hazard Adjust to living in hazardous place, get insurance, strengthen your.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we manage earthquake hazards? Three main choices: Do nothing – accept hazard Adjust to living in hazardous place, get insurance, strengthen your."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we manage earthquake hazards? Three main choices: Do nothing – accept hazard Adjust to living in hazardous place, get insurance, strengthen your home and prepare Leave the area

2 Check for Hazards in the Home

3 Disaster kit……

4 What other preparations does the video mention?

5 Earthquake proof buildings Use of foundations with rubber layers allows buildings to easily move by up to several inches and absorb sideways movement. These are called base isolators. Cross bracing. This allows buildings to twist on their foundations and not collapse.


7 Base isolators When a building is built away (isolated) from the ground It will only move a little or not at all during an earthquake instead of moving with the ground


9 Use a roof counterweight on the building. When the building moves one way, the counterweight moves the other way and keeps it upright!!

10 Taipei Tower: The 508m (1,667-foot) Taipei 101 Tower would sway back and forth up to 60cm (2 feet) each way within five seconds. The Taipei 101 engineers included a 662 tonne (730-ton) counter giant pendulum to act as a counter weight.

11 Buildings designed and constructed in regular patterns – square, rectangular, cuboid or even triangular – have the ability reduce seismic forces spreading the shaking equally through the whole building. Irregular-shaped buildings distribute earthquake forces in such a completely random and uneven fashion that building collapse is virtually inevitable.

12 Ensure all part of a building a firmly attached to each other eg. The house to the foundation and the roof to the building

13 Will building reinforcements work for all countries? To a certain extent: yes! Simple design for LICs


15 Adjustment to hazard: Earthquake proof buildings In a high rise building shock waves increase as they move ________________ Buildings that are close together _________ vibrations ________ parts of a building are when different parts meet ____________ soil or weak rock cause problems with foundations _____________ strengthens a building and _______________ separate it from the shaking ground Amplify Base isolators Weakest Upwards Soft Cross bracing

16 Task Design a earthquake proof building Your building should take into consideration design, construction and geology Pick between 6-8 characteristics Draw your building at the centre of your page. Label your building to describe the characteristics you’ve chosen and explain why you’ve included them.

17 Pick between 5-10 characteristics from the list below Triangular shape Square shapeCircular shapeX bracing Short buildingTall buildingBase isolatorsK bracing Counter- weights Shock absorbers Fixed baseNo bracing SteelConcreteStoneWood GlassBricksPlasticTiles SandSoft mudHard bedrockReclaimed land Steep SlopeFlat landNear a fault line Away from a fault

18 Peer Assessment -One positive comment – what did they do really well? -One improvement – what could they do better? Write your comments neatly!

19 Aim: To understand adjustment to an earthquake Design a earthquake proof building Your building should take into consideration design, construction and geology Pick between 5-10 characteristics Draw your building at the centre of your page. Label your building to describe the characteristics you’ve chosen and explain why you’ve included them. Triangular shape Square shapeCircular shapeX bracing Short buildingTall buildingBase isolatorsK bracing Counter- weights Shock absorbers Fixed baseNo bracing SteelConcretePaperWood GlassBricksPlasticTiles SandSoft mudHard bedrockReclaimed land Steep SlopeFlat landNear a fault lineAway from a fault

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