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Superposition. Fourier Series Constructive Interference of a pulse.

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Presentation on theme: "Superposition. Fourier Series Constructive Interference of a pulse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superposition

2 Fourier Series

3 Constructive Interference of a pulse

4 Destructive Interference of a pulse

5 Constructive Interference of Harmonic Waves

6 Destructive Interference of Harmonic Waves

7 2 Dimensional Example

8 Single Hydrophone Display 1 “omni-directional” hydrophone processor

9 Two Hydrophones Beam Former 1 2 hydrophonesprocessor Display Why not ???

10 Incident Wave Beam Former 1 2 xx d  Display

11 Identities

12 Power Output from the Processor

13 Beam Pattern Function Trig identity

14 Example =.5 d  =0 

15 Maximum Power Directions  =0 

16 Null Angles  =0 

17 Beam Width The beamwidth of a beam is the angular displacement between the angles where the beam pattern function, b(  ), is greater than 0.5. 3 dB down points The beamwidth is important because it is proportional to the bearing accuracy of the specific beam.  =0 

18 3-d Beam Pattern

19 Effect of Increasing Frequency

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