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Feeding performance of piscivorous gobioid predator, Eleotris sandwicensis (O’opuAkupa) Takashi Maie Clemson University.

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1 Feeding performance of piscivorous gobioid predator, Eleotris sandwicensis (O’opuAkupa) Takashi Maie Clemson University

2 Hawaiian Freshwater Stream Fauna Goby species – Sicyopterus stimpsoni, O’opuNopili – Lentipes concolor, O’opuAlamo’o – Awaous guamensis, O’opuNakea – Stenogobius hawaiiensis, O’opuNaniha Piscivorous gobioid predator – Eleotrissandwicensis, O’opuAkupa Entry to streams = Predation risk by Eleotris

3 Hawaiian Freshwater StreamFauna Goby species – Sicyopterus stimpsoni, O’opuNopili – Lentipes concolor, O’opuAlamo’o – Awaous guamensis, O’opuNakea – Stenogobius hawaiiensis, O’opuNaniha Piscivorous gobioid predator – Eleotrissandwicensis, O’opuAkupa Does Eleotris predation have similar impacts across goby populations? Entry to streams = Predation risk by Eleotris

4 Eleotrid Feeding SicyoperusvsAwaous as prey fish (Captured/Escaped) Contingency Table (one-tail)

5 Result (preliminary) P = 0.0426Captured (Eaten)Escaped (Not eaten) Awaous guamensis29 (76.3%)9 (23.1%) Sicyopterus stimpsoni54 (58.7%)38 (41.3%)

6 Result (preliminary) P = 0.0426Captured (Eaten)Escaped (Not eaten) Awaous guamensis29 (76.3%)9 (23.1%) Sicyopterus stimpsoni54 (58.7%)38 (41.3%) Does Eleotris predation have similar impacts across goby populations?

7 Result (preliminary) P = 0.0426Captured (Eaten)Escaped (Not eaten) Awaous guamensis29 (76.3%)9 (23.1%) Sicyopterus stimpsoni54 (58.7%)38 (41.3%) NO!! Does Eleotris predation have similar impacts across goby populations?

8 Result (preliminary) P = 0.0426Captured (Eaten)Escaped (Not eaten) Awaous guamensis29 (76.3%)9 (23.1%) Sicyopterus stimpsoni54 (58.7%)38 (41.3%) NO!! Sicyopterus – Retention time (36 hrs for metamorphosis) in stream mouths prior to upstream migration Predation Pressure by Eleotris – A driving force for morphological change in Sicyopterus for better predator evasion performance Does Eleotris predation have similar impacts across goby populations?

9 Mahalo! Bob Nishimoto, Darrel Kuamo’o, Lance Nishiura, Tim Shindo, Troy Shimoda, Troy Sakihara&Alysha Cabral (Hawai’i DAR, Hilo) Blob lab, Kristine Moody (Clemson) Schoenfuss lab (St. Cloud State) NSF

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