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Written By: Billy Collins Presented By: Jackie Linnebur.

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Presentation on theme: "Written By: Billy Collins Presented By: Jackie Linnebur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written By: Billy Collins Presented By: Jackie Linnebur

2  You know the parlor trick. wrap your arms around your own body and from the back it looks like someone is embracing you her hands grasping your shirt her fingernails teasing your neck from the front it is another story you never looked so alone your crossed elbows and screwy grin you could be waiting for a tailor to fit you with a straight jacket one that would hold you really tight.

3  It could be someone in so much need of love that even the thought of them loving themself comes across of an insane, desperate judgment.  The backside appears as a shared embrace with someone, but from the front appears you waiting for a strait jacket.  I thought this really defined the poem.

4  The tale of two polar opposites. On one side it shows the embrace you share with someone, the description of hugging and the compassion that is represented by it. The other being someone tangled compared to someone in a straight jacket

5  The tone would have to be heartbreaking. Much like I said someone so in need of love that self-love is not even an option, due to insecurity.  The style is smooth and a little dark. Collins paints this picture of a passionate embrace only to flip the script to a twisted person tangled and branded insane.

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