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The Pros and Cons Of Coal and Hydropower! By Alex Toll.

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1 The Pros and Cons Of Coal and Hydropower! By Alex Toll

2 Hydropower: How it works the water flows through a pipe, or penstock, then pushes against and turns blades in a turbine to spin a generator to produce electricity. In a run-of-the-river system, the force of the current applies the needed pressure, while in a storage system, water is accumulated in reservoirs created by dams, then released as needed to generate electricity. For Obvious reasons, Hydropower plants need to be on a stable and sufficient water source

3 Hydropower’s Benefits It is a great way to use a renewable source to produce energy, that we all use, weather we use it for cooking, cleaning, drinking or swimming. Hydropower is cost-effective, after the initial cost of building the dam is overcome. The dams for hydropower facilities create wildlife habitats, as well as leisure spots for people if the dam isn’t used for drinking water. If it is used for drinking water, the dam serves a dual purpose and can help in times of drought, and it can help create large fish habitats. The biggest and best benefit of all is the Hydropower is that it is renewable and not only that, it is estimated that hydropower produces almost 20% of the world’s power. It can drain water for emergancy use, or store it for future use.

4 Hydropower’s Negatives Large Dams hamper or change a River’s flowing ability. This can disrupt the spawning abilities of schools of fish going up river. Dams flood certain areas and displace animals and people alike. How reliable it is; droughts can hamper everything in the region that depends on this “said” Hydroelectric dam. There is a loss of nutrients and sediment downriver.









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