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 Boudicca and the Romans. Boudicca is one of the greatest heroines. She is a freedom fighter for England. She was very tall and very intelligent. She.

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3  Boudicca and the Romans. Boudicca is one of the greatest heroines. She is a freedom fighter for England. She was very tall and very intelligent. She is known for always wearing a gold necklaces. Boudicca is from a royal family, she is the queen of Iceni.

4  In Great Britain, specifically in a city named Iceni. In north Wales.

5 Boudicca led the Iceni people in a revolt. The Iceni King Prasutagus, the Romans tried to take over his kingdom, so she led a rebellion against Rome. The Romans did not give them any freedom in their country. At the end she got captured and poisoned her self.

6  Around the 15 th century, 60- 61 AD.

7  She did that because she is the queen of Iceni and she loves this area, she’s not just going to sit there and watch the Romans rule it any longer. The Romans oppressions became intolerable. This meant that they would not let them be free, for example they would not just go and buy houses.

8   boudica/boudicanrevolt.htm   svg  shaped-city  / paper/pink- skull.png&imgrefurl= eIyszQGUfK06R3bRISgq1pr3Q=&h=768&w=1024&sz=88&hl=en&start= 60&zoom=1&tbnid=NdE1yj6nsV2O4M:&tbnh=107&tbnw=157&prev=/i mages%3Fq%3Dskull%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D853%26bih %3D401%26addh%3D36%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1819&um=1&itbs=1&ia ct=hc&vpx=393&vpy=116&dur=61&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=148&ty =118&ei=T326TJiYAYOevgO_59mCDg&oei=QH26TM- sHYK0vgO98s2mDQ&esq=3&page=7&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:60& biw=853&bih=401


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