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Gross Properties of Nuclei

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1 Gross Properties of Nuclei
Sizes Gross Properties of Nuclei Nuclear Spins and Magnetic Moments

2 Intrinsic Nuclear Spin
Nuclei can be deformed  can rotate quantum mech.  collective spin and magnetic effects (moving charges) Intrinsic spin? Nucleons have spin-1/2 Demonstrate via interaction with external odd-A : I= half-integer multiple of ħ even-A: I= integer multiple of ħ even-Z & even-N: I = 0 “good” quantum numbers: I, mI expt fact mIħ f z x y quantization axis Quantum mechanical spin: Nuclear Spins Interactions via magnetic moment Nuclear Magneton W. Udo Schröder, 2004

3 Extreme coupling schemes of A-body system
Spin Coupling Schemes Nuclear spin built up of nucleonic angular momenta spin and orbital, z Extreme coupling schemes of A-body system mL mS L and S good qu. #s Correspond to different strength of interactions between nucleons and atomic electrons  different symmetry of A-body wave function Nuclear Spins Always  conserved: F, no external torque W. Udo Schröder, 2004

4 Magnetic Dipole Moments
Moving charge e  current density j  vector potential A, influences particles at via magnetic field =0 Nuclear Spins current loop: mLoop = j x A= current x Area W. Udo Schröder, 2004

5 Magnetic Moments: Units and Scaling
Nuclear Spins g factors g<0  m I W. Udo Schröder, 2004

6 Total Nucleon Magnetic Moment
z Superposition of orbital and spin m: below use these single-particle states Precession of m around z-axis slaved by precession of j  all m components perp. to j vanish on average. Nuclear Spins maximum alignment of j W. Udo Schröder, 2004

7 Effective g Factor gj: effective g-factor
Magnetic moment for entire nucleus: analogous definition for maximum alignment, slaved by nuclear spin I precession Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2004

8 Simple s.p. Model: Schmidt-Lines (Odd-A)
odd-A: All but one nucleon paired,. Paired nucleons make spinless, spherical core  central potential for extra nucleon  even N even Z (Z, N) = (odd, even) unpaired p, gℓ = 1 units: mN (Z, N) = (even, odd) unpaired n, gℓ = 0 Nuclear Spins units: mN W. Udo Schröder, 2004

9 Experimental m for Odd-A Nuclei
m/mN odd-Z I m/mN odd-N I 7Li: j=3/2 j≈ℓ+1/2  ℓ = 1 Nuclear Spins Reproduction of overall trends Almost all m lie between Schmidt lines=extreme values for m. Quenching of gs factors due to interactions with other nucleons W. Udo Schröder, 2004

10 Magnetic e-Nucleus Interactions
z Energy in homogeneous B-field || z axis Force in inhomogeneous B-field || z axis Atomic electrons (currents) produce B-field at nucleus, aligned with total electronic spin Nuclear Spins Total spin W. Udo Schröder, 2004

11 Magnetic Hyper-Fine Interactions
HF pattern depends on strength Bext weak Bext strong FS HFS Strong Bext breaks [J,I]F coupling. F import for weak Bext, independent for strong Bext 1s2p X-Ray Transition mJ2 Nuclear Spins E1, DmJ=0 electronic splitting 2 separated 2I+1=4 lines. (F not good qu. #) mJ -2 W. Udo Schröder, 2004

12 Rabi Atomic/Molecular Beam Experiment (1938)
Force on magnetic moment in inhomogeneous B-field ||z axis I. Rabi 1984 Alternating B gradients RF coil  DmI A B homogeneous B Aperture Nuclear Spins Magnet B compensates for effect of magnet A for a given mI Transition induced W. Udo Schröder, 2004

13 Summary: Gross Properties of Nuclei
Nuclear sizes: Finite size, R = r0.A1/3, r0 = 1.2 fm  approximately constant density in interior  saturation of nuclear forces, must have repulsive core Diffuse surface, b ~1fm, weak dependence on A Fermi-type charge and mass distributions Nuclei with magic N or/and Z numbers slightly smaller than average B. Nuclear masses and binding energies: Approximately constant B/A≈ 8 MeV, weakly dependent of A  saturation of nuclear forces, nucleon experiences average interaction with “nearest neighbors” Nuclear liquid drop model describes average A-dependence of B/A  b stable valley, but: paired nucleons are more tightly bound dB ≈12 -1/2A MeV. Structure effects: # of isotopes for odd or even A Nuclei with magic N and or Z are more tightly bound than neighbors, 64Ni, 56Fe most tightly bound nuclei Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2004

14 Summary: Gross Properties of Nuclei
C. Nuclear deformations and electrostatic moments: Only even electrostatic moments  monopole, quadrupole Q most important  Spin I=0, ½ nuclei have no measurable Q N-Z regions with large Q (Lanthanides, Actinides), domains defined by magic numbers  magic N, Z have Q = 0 D. Nuclear spins and magnetic moments: Most nuclear spins are small, a few ħ, integer multiple of ħ for e-A  I = 0 for e-e nuclei, half-integer ħ for o-A Nuclear spins =combination of nucleonic orbital and spin angular momenta Only odd magnetostatic moments, dipole is first important moment Magnetic moments of o-A nuclei related to unpaired nucleon  Schmidt Lines (quenching in medium, g factors always smaller than s.p. values) Magic nuclei have I =0, m = 0 Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2004

15 All Grossed Out Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2004

16 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
B0 B(t) Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2004

17 2p (ℓ=1) mℓ=-1 mℓ=+1 mℓ= 0 W B≠0 B=0 m Nuclear Spins
W. Udo Schröder, 2004

18 Coulomb Fields of Finite Charge Distributions
|e|Z e q z arbitrary nuclear charge distribution with normalization Coulomb interaction Expansion of for |x|«1: «1 Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2004

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