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Marcel Duchamp.

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Presentation on theme: "Marcel Duchamp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcel Duchamp

2 Marcel Duchamp with Bycicle wheel

3 Duchamp with his pipe

4 Duchamp playing chess

5 Rrose Sélavy

6 Rrose Sélavy

7 Nude Descending a Staircase N°2, 1912
Nudo che scende le scale n°2, 147x89, Philadelphia Museum of Art

8 Bicycle Wheel, 1913 Ruota di bicicletta, 1913, ricostruzione del 1951, altezza128,3 cm, New York, MOMA

9 Fountain, (1916?) Fontana, Ceramica, 1916 (?), replica

10 Bottle Rack (1914) Scolabottiglie, 1914, ferro , 57x36,5 cm, replica, Stoccarda, Staatsgalerie

11 Prelude to a Broken Arm (1915)
Or In Advance of the Broken Arm

12 L.H.O.O.Q., 1919 L.H.O.O.Q., 1919, matita su riproduzione fotografica, 19,7x12,4 cm, coll. Priv.


14 The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)
La Mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même (Il grande vetro), , 271x174 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art


16 Why Not Sneeze Rrose Sélavy?, 1921
Perché non starnutire, Rrose Sélavy?, 1921

17 Étant donnés, 1946-1966, Philadelphia Museum of Art

18 Étant donnés, 1946-1966, Philadelphia Museum of Art

19 Étant donnés, 1946-1966, Philadelphia Museum of Art

20 Étant donnés, 1946-1966, Philadelphia Museum of Art

21 Anemic cinema

22 Marcel duchamp speaks of his work
Intervista BBC:

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