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Network Monitoring Through Mobile (MOBTOP) Developed By : Akanksha Jain. (102199) Shikha Arora (101319) Team Name: Beans Course: CS532 Guided By:Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Monitoring Through Mobile (MOBTOP) Developed By : Akanksha Jain. (102199) Shikha Arora (101319) Team Name: Beans Course: CS532 Guided By:Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Monitoring Through Mobile (MOBTOP) Developed By : Akanksha Jain. (102199) Shikha Arora (101319) Team Name: Beans Course: CS532 Guided By:Prof. Robert Zhu SUBMITTED TO : Herguan University, Sunnyvale (CA)

2 Introduction MOBTOP is a networking based application S/W It is based on WAP technology. It is based on the Client–Server model.

3 Purpose This Software is basically designed for persons who want to monitor their N/W and access sites through mobile. For example: a Network Administrator of any institute or organization.

4 Project Scope This project will help execute network commands through the mobile phone. Through this application we may keep track of server, use the utility of time and date etc., and check the network status. The end user can fire the network commands like netstat, ping, ipconfig etc. to check and interact with network server which may be stand-alone or server of LAN.

5 Product Features Administrator can continuously monitor what process is executing at his network terminals on his mobile. Administrator can access sites through his mobile. He can start and stop the Network (N/W) server. He can start and stop the Database (D/B) server. Any authorize person can get the information about his/her organization on his/her mobile phone. An authorize person can retrieve his/her data on his/her mobile.

6 Component Based Development Process Model

7 Data Exchange Model: Automation Structured storage Underlying object model 4 ingredients for implement component-based development:

8 Feasibility is characterized as Technical Feasibility. Economical Feasibility. Operational Feasibility. MOBTOP has all these 3 features hence it does not have rigid S/w & H/w requirements, Cost of development is low, and it can be easily used by the users. Feasibility Study

9 Data Flow Diagram(Context Diagram) MOBTOP Administrator

10 DFD-LEVEL 1 Data Base Server Read input Establish session Administrator Login data Command Connection information Output To be displayed Output to be displayed Data Data Base Network Server

11 System Architecture WAP Gateway Web Server Mobile Browser WAP Emulator N/W Server D/B Server Socket

12 Architectural Design Database HTTP Request Interface Login Card N/W Server ServletJWS HTTP Socket Java web Server

13 Use Case Diagram

14 Use Case Diagram for server connection

15 Use Case for handling network server

16 Class diagram for Network Server

17 Class diagram for Database Server

18 Bottom Up Approach Error Handling :We handle Error in two ways Exception Handling Condition Checking Development approach used

19 Usability Integrity Reliability Correctness Maintainability Code Efficiency

20 Validation Testing Unit Testing Server Side Unit test Case Report: Client Side Unit test Case Report: QA\Test cases_(DD-F06)-akanksha.xls Testing

21 Cost Estimation of Project FP=count-total *[0.65+0.01*Fi] Where Fi (i=1 to 14) are “complexity adjustment values”. Measurement parameter CountSimpl e Averag e Comple x Number of user inputs20 *34660 Number of user outputs25 *25750 Number of user inquiries 4 *34624 Number of files3 *7101521 Number of external interfaces 3 *571030 Count-Total 185

22 Gantt Chart:

23 Pert Chart

24 Server Screen

25 Client

26 Client Screen

27 Underlying project have large future—enhancement. We may add no. Of modules like modules for the file transformation process, multicasting, chating etc to implement this project we may negotiate with the service provider like AT&T, T-Mobile which provides certain bandwidth. We have to make embedded programming for installation of front-end application into the WAP mobile device. User required registered server for the purpose of N/W Server & D/B Server. User can provide facility through which Administrator can know what application is executing on his N/W. F UTURE —E NHANCEMENT

28 Conclusion MOBTOP has been planned with an aim to automate and ease the working of a network administrator within an intranet. Definitely with the implementation of this software the administrator control increases and he can perform his work more conveniently. Now the activities performed by the system-users within an intranet can be easily traced and controlled which will result in more productive utilization of the organization’s resources.

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