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Atlanta Region Evacuation Coordination Plan (March, 2009) ARC – Planning Advisory Committee Consultants: Beck Disaster Recovery Atlanta Regional Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Atlanta Region Evacuation Coordination Plan (March, 2009) ARC – Planning Advisory Committee Consultants: Beck Disaster Recovery Atlanta Regional Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlanta Region Evacuation Coordination Plan (March, 2009) ARC – Planning Advisory Committee Consultants: Beck Disaster Recovery Atlanta Regional Commission

2 Winston Churchill (FEMA CPG101,March, 2009) “Let our advance worrying become advanced thinking and planning.”

3 Prepare

4 Respond

5 Save Lives

6 Recover




10 Crisis Leadership Shake off Shock Orient Yourself Look for Solutions Source: “Survivors Club”, Ben Sherwood

11 Focus CoordinationProcess CapacityFuture

12 Coordination/R esponse Process

13 Legal Authority Georgia Emergency Management Act Georgia Mutual Aid Act Southern Regional Emergency Management Compact Emergency Management Assistance Compact

14 Can We Evacuate? 92% of the population would evacuate

15 How Do We Evacuate? 89% of the population have transportation 11% would need assistance

16 Scenarios Regional Evacuation – 24 hrs.+ Area Evacuation (Northern I-285 Crescent) – 12 hrs.+ Atlanta Central Business District – 8-10 hrs.+

17 Where Will People Go? Family47% Hotel27% Shelter12% Would not evacuate 8%

18 245 Red Cross Shelters

19 Primary and Alternate Sheltering Communities in Georgia

20 Recovery Public Sector Private Sector Non Profit Sector Faith Based Community

21 Evacuation Planning PrepareSave LivesRecover Respond

22 The 7 Policy Question Can we evacuate? How and where do we evacuate? Who makes decisions? Who is in charge? How do we talk to each other What’s our capacity to respond? What do we tell the public?

23 Atlanta Regional Evacuation Coordination Plan

24 Current Projects Current ProjectEstimated Project Duration Category 1: Current Projects Crisis Communication PlanOngoing Contra-flow ReviewAnnual Review Special Needs Plan6 Months Shelter Annex to the Emergency Operations Plan (GEOP) 18 Months

25 UASI Requested Projects Current ProjectEstimated Project Duration Category 2: UASI Requested Projects Public Information Campaign on Emergency Preparedness Underway Capabilities AssessmentUnderway Special Needs Annex for each Operations Plan 2 Years Tactical Evacuation Annex for each of the 10 Operations Plans 2 Years

26 BDR Recommendations Category 3: Future Enhancement (BDR) Recommendations Conduct an Emergency Managers Tabletop Exercise on the RECP 6 Months Conduct a Chief Elected Officials Tabletop Exercise on the RECP 6 Months Expand upon existing tools (e.g., PIER) and mechanisms to alert, notify and provide direction to the public and the media 6 Months

27 BDR Recommendations Cont. Category 3: Future Enhancement (BDR) Recommendations Develop a detailed bus plan for using school buses 2 Years Develop procedures to coordinate traffic signals across jurisdictional boundaries 2 Years Update Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement 3 Years

28 BDR Recommendations Cont. Category 3: Future Enhancement (BDR) Recommendations Coordinate with private sector transportation vendors 6 Months Develop specific plans to identify and provide emergency response and recovery services for special needs populations 18 Months Develop a detailed public transit resources plan 2 Years

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