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CHRONIC DIARRHOEA Definition:- Diarrhoea of at least two weeks duration or 3 attacks of Diarrhoea during the last Three Months is called as chronic Diarrhoea EPIDEMIOLOGY:- Risk factors – Lack of breast feeding Underlying malnutrition Injudicious use of antibiotics Poor socio economic status H.I.V
AETIOLOGY INTRALUMINAL FACTORS a)Intestinal disorders Carbohydrate mal absorption Excessive intake of sorbitol, Carbonated fluids b)Pancreatic disorders cystic fibrosis shwachman-Diamond syndrome chronic pancreatitis Pearson syndrome c)Bile acid disorders Chronic Cholestasis Primary Bile Acid Malabsorption
B.MUCOSAL FACTORS a)Altered integrity Infection,Infestations, Coeliac disease, Inflammatory bowel disease b)Altered Immune function Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathy Autoimmune enteropathy AIDS c)Altered function Defects in Cl ̅ /HCO¯3, Na+ / H+ transport
Enterokinase deficiency
d)Altered digestive function Enterokinase deficiency e)Altered surface area Short bowel syndrome Microvillus inclusion disease Post-Gastroenteritis syndrome, f) Altered Secretary Function Tumors secreting vasoactive peptides like VIP, calcitonin, histamines
a) small bowel diarrhoea b) Large bowel diarrhoea
CLASSIFICATION:- Aetiology a) Organic b)Non-Organic II. Organ involved a) small bowel diarrhoea b) Large bowel diarrhoea c) pancreatic diarrhoea d)Bile acid diarrhoea
III.Characteristic of stools
Watery diarrhea Inflammatory diarrhea Fatty diarrhea Factitious diarrhea IV.Mechanism of diarrhea a)secretory diarrhea b) Osmotic diarrhea c) Exudative diarrhea d) Deranged motility diarrhea
Evaluation of Chronic Diarrhea
Phase-I Clinical history, Physical Examination Stool examination and culture Blood studies Phase-II 72- Hrs stool collection for fat determination Sweat chloride test Breath H2 teats Phase-III Endoscopic studies Small bowel biopsy, Barium studies Phase-IV Hormonal studies
Approach to Chronic Watery Diarrhea
Characteristics Secretory Osmotic Volume of stools > 200 ml /24 Hrs < 200 ml/24 Hrs Stool PH Stool Na >5 >70meq/Lit <5 <70meq/Lit Perianal redness Absent Present Response to fasting Diarrhea continues Diarrhea stops
Exclude structural disease Cholestyramine trail for bile acid diarrhea
secretory Exclude infection Stool Culture Stool Microscopy Special Stains Bacterial Infections Parasitic infections Fugal Infections Exclude structural disease Colanoscopy, USG/CT Scan Hormonal Studies ZES, VIPoma, carcinoids, MEN syndrome neuroblastoma Cholestyramine trail for bile acid diarrhea
Osmotic Diarrhea Stool Analysis Dietary Review
Excessive intake of Fruit Juices Dietary Review Stool Analysis Low PH, Reducing substances + High Mg, Laxative Carbohydrate malaatebsorption Factitious Diarrhea H2 Breath Test Small Bowl biopsy, assay for disaccharidases Lactose intolerance Sucrose intolerance Monosaccharide malabsorption
Inflammatory diarrhoea
Exclude Structural Disease Small Bowel Boipsy Sigmoidoscopy colonoscopy BMFT USG Barium enerra Exclude infection Bacterial Pathogens c. difficile Mycobacterium tuberculosis Y ersinia Others E. Histolytica Strongyloidosis CMV Herpes simplex
Fatty diarrhoea Exclude Structural Disease Exclude Pancreatic
Small Bowel Boipsy and aspirate For Giardia Coeliac ( Serological AGA, EMA) USG, CT Scan of Abd Exclude Pancreatic Excocrine insufficiely Direct tesnsecretin, Cholecystokinin Stimulation tests Indirect – Bentromide Pancreolauryltest 74 Hr Fecal fat Blood Test serum Trypsinogen Others Sweat Chloride test Bone Marrow Exam ERCP Immune deficiency T – Cell Function Ig.
MANAGEMENT Acute phase (upto 5 days) a) Resuscitation phase
b) Specific Treatment Rehabilitation phase
Resuscitation Phase Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Correct shock Anemia Hypoproteinaemia
Specific Treatment Conditions Treatment Infections
a) Salmonella Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, b) Shigella Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole c) C.Jejuni Erythromycin d) Giardia Metronidizole e) Amoebiasis Metronidizole
Conditions Treatment Bile acid diarrhoea Cholestyramine
Fat Malabsorption Medium chain Triglycerides Hydrolyzed proteins lipase Lactose intolerance Lactose free diet Lactose tab Sucrose intolerance Sucrose free diet Add Sucrosidase Inflammatory bowel disease aminosalicyclic acid Mesalamine etc.,
Rehabilitation Phase: -
Aims: 1) To improve health and nutritional status 2) Catch up growth 3) To prevent further attacks TPN, PPN Suppliment T multivitamins Minerals Nutritional education
Prognosis Depends upon the underlying Aetiology Nutritional status and
age of the child age
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