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READING AND WRITING Processes and Acquisitions of Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "READING AND WRITING Processes and Acquisitions of Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 READING AND WRITING Processes and Acquisitions of Reading

2 READING, WRITING, AND THINKING  Writing  Is “frozen speech”  Metalinguistic  An essential part explaining one’s own thinking  Leads to an ongoing process of self knowledge

3 THE LINK BETWEEN READING AND CONTENT WRITING  Communication  Readers evaluate the author’s expertise and biases  Writers consider the natures and background of intended audiences  Construction of meaning  Organization  To focus on either skill naturally involves the other

4 THE LINK BETWEEN READING AND CONTENT WRITING  Focus writing assignments on the relationship between the two disciplines.  Writing before reading to pull prior knowledge can help the student comprehend the text as it can activate prior knowledge and facilitate organization of ideas.  Connecting the two, purposefully, is highly beneficial!

5 TEACHING WRITING  Student tend to put more effort into work that will be seen by authentic audiences - not just the teacher.  Model with well crafted non-fiction books, newspapers, magazine articles.  Give mini-lessons, modeled lessons, guided practice, and feedback.  Writing and conferences should take place just after the mini-lesson

6 WRITING-TO-LEARN ACTIVITIES  Language Experience Materials  Content Journals  Reading Response Journals  Character Journals  Social Justice Notebooks  Response to Thought Questions  Creative Applications

7 WRITING-TO-LEARN ACTIVITIES  Paraphrasing  Summarizing  Dialogue Journals  Written Conversations  RAFT Assignments  Research Reports  Expository Writing

8 WRITING-TO-LEARN ACTIVITIES  Lab Reports  Photo Essays  Pen Pals  Internet Writing Projects  Mentoring Projects

9 EVALUATION OF WRITING  All writing is not graded by the teacher  Evaluated by the author  Evaluated by peers  Evaluated in student-teacher conference  Rubrics  List characteristics and quality level expected  Analytic scales  Point value attached to each required feature

10 STRUGGLING READERS AND ELL’S  Use modified writing workshop.  Use model literature.  Begin with shared writing.  For ELLs, also use translation activities and relay writing.

11 STRUGGLING READERS AND ELL’S  Offer a variety of short non-fiction texts.  Develop writing together through shared writing.  Compose a group or class draft.  Use GRR model.  Provide published writings as patterns.  Dialogue journals are especially useful with ELL students.

12 WRITING  Is a thinking tool.  Is a tool for obtaining self-knowledge.  It enhances retention of content material.

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