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CHAPTER 1 The Atlantic World (c. 700 B.C. – A.D. 1600)

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1 CHAPTER 1 The Atlantic World (c. 700 B.C. – A.D. 1600)

2 Chapter 1 Section 1  The Native American World

3 I. Describe how humans settled the Americas and adapted to a variety of environments in North America. A. Settlement of the Americas 1) People came from Asia across a “land bridge” 2) Population spread out across the Western Hemisphere a) North to Arctic Circle b) South to the tip of South America 3) Native Americans a) Settled in different regions b) Distinct languages

4 I. Describe how humans settled the Americas and adapted to a variety of environments in North America. B. North American Life 1) Compare Native American Societies a) distinct cultures arose from differences in local climate and terrain b) adapted their ways to fit their environment 2) North – Ice 3) Northwest - Heavy rainfall – Fishing 4) California – Pacific Coast – Mountains and Valleys 5) Plateau – Rivers 6) The Great Basin – Mostly dry land 7) The Southwest – Dry and Drought 8) The Plains – Hunting and Farming 9) The Northeast – Woodlands and Lakes 10) The Southeast – Hunting and Farming, Swamps and Atlantic Coast, Rivers and Woodlands

5 II. Compare the shared beliefs of Native Americans. A. Social Structure 1) Kinship – family relationships a) provided medical care, child care, education 2) Clan – groups of families who are all descended from a common ancestor B. Religion 1) Belief that the most powerful forces are spiritual 2) Believed that failure to follow traditional rituals would result in misfortune and disaster C. Preserving Culture 1) Oral History – stories and traditions passed from one generation to the next by word of mouth.

6 III. Explain the role of trade and land in Native American economies. A. Trade 1) Barter – Act of trading goods for other goods 2) Trade promoted social and economic ties B. Land 1) Believed land could not be sold, traded, or owned 2) Right to use and respect land

7 Chapter 1 Section 2  The European World

8 I. Summarize life in Europe during the Early Middle Ages. A. Early Middle Ages 1) Middle Ages - medieval period, c. 500 to 1300 A.D. 2) After the Roman Empire collapsed B. European Invasions 1) Germanic tribes and Viking warriors 2) Out of Arabia came the Muslim Empire a) Islam – religion based on the Koran b) Prophet Muhammad

9 I. Summarize life in Europe during the Early Middle Ages. C. Feudalism 1) Political and economic system that characterized the Middle Ages 2) Lord - powerful noble - owned large landholdings 3) Serfs – peasants – provided life time servitude in exchange for shelter and protection 4) Manor – the large estate of a Lord

10 I. Summarize life in Europe during the Early Middle Ages. D. Medieval Religion 1) Roman Catholic Church governed Christian life 2) Pope – leader of the church 3) Clergy – church officials 4) Pope and clergy were educated and could read and study the Bible

11 II. Describe the changes that began in the Late Middle Ages. A. Late Middle Ages 1) c. 1000 A.D. 2) Period of increased trade and growth of cities B. The Crusades 1) Holy wars fought to free Jerusalem from the Turks 2) Impact was increased Europeans’ awareness of the world and accelerated economic change

12 II. Describe the changes that began in the Late Middle Ages. C. Growth of Cities – Major Effects 1) Middle Class – created group of merchants, traders, and artisans 2) Revived a money economy 3) Eventual break down of the feudal system D. Rise of Monarchs 1) Monarch – person who rules over a kingdom 2) Protected trade routes and kept peace 3) Magna Carta a) granted liberty and justice b) took power away from monarchs and gave power to the people

13 II. Describe the changes that began in the Late Middle Ages. E. Rise of Universities 1) New sources of knowledge 2) Science and Math 3) Latin was translated into many languages F. “Black Death” 1) Rapid and ugly death to 1/3 of the entire European population 2) Caused starvation, riots, and economic collapse

14 III. Analyze the changes brought about by the Renaissance. A. Renaissance – “Rebirth” 1) Era of great creativity and change – quest for knowledge 2) Art, literature, science, philosophy, economics, politics 3) Michelangelo, da Vinci, Shakespeare 4) Milan, Venice, Florence 5) sculptors, poets, architects 6) Humanism – heroic, emotion, realistic, physical 7) Printing Press – Johann Gutenberg – communication and new ideas on paper 8) Biggest Change – new spirit of questioning

15 III. Analyze the changes brought about by the Renaissance. B. Reformation 1) Movement led by Martin Luther to reform the Church 2) The Bible, not the Church, was the authority 3) Follower referred to as Protestants

16 Chapter 1 Section 3  The World of the West Africans

17 I. Describe the initial meetings between West Africans and Europeans. A. Relationship based on trade 1) Mutually beneficial trade 2) Salt for GOLD B. West African Cultures 1) Geography and livelihoods a) rainforest, resource-rich, mines b) savanna – region of grasslands and scattered trees c) desert – used caravans of camels 2) Family a) kinship groups b) lineage – descent in a line from a common ancestor 3) Religion a) customs and ceremonies

18 II. Describe how a trading relationship developed between Europe and the kingdoms of West Africa. A. Benin Kingdom 1) A wealthy kingdom famous for its art 2) Palm oil, ivory, and wood B. Songhai Kingdom 1) Empire located in the grasslands south of the Sahara 2) Askia Muhammad – famous monarch ruler a) created a government with laws and taxes 3) Timbuktu – capital center of learning

19 III. Summarize how African slavery differed from the way Europeans began to practice slavery. A. Europe 1) Land was scarce – in short supply – and very valuable 2) Land made you wealthy B. Africa 1) Land was plentiful 2) Land did not make you wealthy 3) Power was gained by the number of people you ruled 4) Growing kingdoms needed workers – shortage of labor – and slaves were labor 5) Africans’ concept of slavery differed from slavery as it developed in the Americas

20 Chapter 1 Section 4  The Atlantic World is Born

21 I. Identify Columbus and describe the circumstances that led to his explorations. A. Christopher Columbus 1) Italian navigator whose voyage to America began a permanent exchange among Native Americans, Europeans, Asians and Africans

22 II. Describe the challenges the expedition faced. A. Search for a western route to the Indies (Asia) 1) Sent by Spanish Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand 2) Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria – 1492 3) Sailed to the Bahamas – called natives “Indians” 4) Total of four trips to the Americas 5) Died never knowing how much he changed history 6) 1507 – Amerigo Vespucci

23 III. Describe the positive and negative impact of Columbus’s journeys. A. Columbian Exchange 1) Trade brought into existence between the Americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia B. Native Americans devastated 1) Diseases causing death 2) Smallpox, typhus, measles

24 III. Describe the positive and negative impact of Columbus’s journeys. C. Europeans Gain Wealth 1) Treaty of Tordesillas a) benefited Spain and Portugal 2) Europeans wanted to: a) obtain land b) obtain natural resources c) convert natives to Christianity 3) Natural Resources a) Europeans planned to make finished products b) Gold and Potatoes were two beneficial resources

25 III. Describe the positive and negative impact of Columbus’s journeys. D. Africans Enslaved 1) Europeans seized West Africans as slaves to work on plantations in the Americas a) plantation – large farm that produced crops to sell b) cash crops – sugar, pineapple, tobacco 2) Slavery’s affect on West Africa a) slavery destroyed some societies including the Benin Kingdom

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