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Algorithms and Data Structures Lecture VI
Simonas Šaltenis Aalborg University October 2, 2003
This Lecture Abstract Data Types Vector List (Sequence)
Doubly linked list implementation Dynamic set ADTs Stack Queue Deque Priority Queue October 2, 2003
Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
ADT is a mathematically specified entity that defines a set of its instances, with: a specific interface – a collection of signatures of operations that can be invoked on an instance, a set of axioms (preconditions and postconditions) that define the semantics of the operations (i.e., what the operations do to instances of the ADT, but not how) October 2, 2003
ADTs Why do we talk about ADTs in this course?
Allows to break work into peaces that can be worked on independently – without compromising correctness They serve as specifications of requirements for the building blocks of solutions to algorithmic problems ADTs encapsulate data structures and algorithms that implement them Provides a language to talk on a higher level of abstraction October 2, 2003
ADTs Why do we talk about ADTs in this course?
Allows to separate the concerns of correctness and the performance analysis Design the algorithm using an ADT Count how often different ADT operations are used Choose implementations of ADT operations October 2, 2003
ADT operations Types of ADT operations: Constructors Access functions
No preconditions Postconditions describe the “value” of the ADT instance, by telling what the access functions return Access functions No postconditions Manipulation procedures October 2, 2003
ADTs for basic data structures
ADTs encapsulating basic data structures: Vectors encapsulate arrays Lists (or sequences) encapsulate linear linked structures October 2, 2003
Vector ADT Vector of integers ADT: Constructor Access functions:
make():Vector Access functions: size():int elemAtRank(r:int):int Manipulation procedures: replaceAtRank(r:int, e:int) insertAtRank(r:int, e:int) removeAtRank(r:int) October 2, 2003
Vector ADT make():Vector elemAtRank(r:int):int
Post-conditions: size() = 0 elemAtRank(r:int):int Preconditions: 0 < r £ size() replaceAtRank(r:int, e:int) Postconditions: (let A be an instance of the vector before the operation, and B after the operation) A.size() = B.size() B.elemAtRank(r) = e For each i (0 < i £ size(), i ¹r) B.elemAtRank(r) = A.elemAtRank(r) October 2, 2003
Implementation of Vector ADT
Array implementation of Vector ADT: Vector operation Time complexity make() O(1) size() elemAtRank(r) replaceAtRank(r,e) insertAtRank(r,e) O(n) removeAtRank(r) October 2, 2003
List (Sequence) ADT Vectors implemented as arrays are
good for random access J, but bad for insertions and deletions L Lists (implemented using linked data structures) good for insertion and deletion J but bad for accessing elements by their rank L Instead of the rank, we have a concept of position (abstraction of a pointer) Position ADT: One operation: element():int Special instance: NIL October 2, 2003
List (Sequence) ADT List ADT: Constructor Access functions:
make():List Access functions: isEmpty():boolean first():Position last():Position before(p:Position):Position after(p:Position):Position October 2, 2003
List (Sequence) ADT List ADT: Manipulation procedures:
replace(p:Position, e:int) insertFirst(e:int) insertLast(e:int) insertBefore(p:Position, e:int) insertAfter(p:Position, e:int) remove(p:Position) October 2, 2003
Implementation of List ADT
Singly linked list – nodes (data, pointer) connected in a chain by links October 2, 2003
Implementation of List ADT
Singly linked list implementation of the List ADT List ADT operation Time complexity isEmpty() O(1) first(), last(), insertFirst(), insertLast(p) after(p), insertAfter() before(p), insertBefore(p) O(n) replace(p,e) remove(p) October 2, 2003
Doubly Linked Lists To implement all of the List ADT operations in constant time we use doubly linked lists. A node of a doubly linked list has a next and a prev link October 2, 2003
Dynamic Set ADTs We will deal with ADTs, instances of which are sets of some type of elements. Operations are provided that change the set We call such class of ADTs dynamic sets October 2, 2003
Example: Set ADT (1) An example: Set ADT Constructor: Access functions
make():Set Access functions isEmpty(s:Set):boolean size(s:Set):int isIn(s:Set, v:element):boolean Manipulation procedures insert(s:Set, v:element) delete(s:Set, v:element) October 2, 2003
Example: Set ADT (2) Postconditions for make, insert and delete:
isIn(make(), v) = false isIn(insert(S, v), v) = true isIn(insert(S, u), v) = isIn(S, v), if v ¹ u isIn(delete(S, v), v) = false isIn(delete(S, u), v) = isIn(S, v), if v ¹ u October 2, 2003
Dynamic Set ADTs Dynamic set ADTs Stacks, Queues, Deques Sets, Bags
Priority Queues Dictionaries (Maps) October 2, 2003
Basic ADTs Basic dynamic set ADTs, where access to elements of the set is restricted, based on the order of operations: Queue Deque Stack October 2, 2003
Stack ADT A stack is a container of objects that are inserted and removed according to the last-in-first-out (LIFO) principle. Objects can be inserted at any time, but only the last (the most-recently inserted) object can be removed. Inserting an item is known as “pushing” onto the stack. “Popping” off the stack is synonymous with removing an item. October 2, 2003
Stacks (2) A PEZ ® dispenser as an analogy: October 2, 2003
Stacks(3) The stack ADT: Constructor: Access functions:
make():Stack – Creates a new stack Access functions: top(S:Stack):element size(S:Stack):integer isEmpty(S:Stack): boolean Manipulation procedures: push(S:Stack, o:element):Stack - Inserts o onto top of S pop(S:Stack):Stack - Removes the top object of stack S October 2, 2003
Stacks(4) push(S:Stack, o:element):Stack pop(S:Stack):Stack
Postconditions: isEmpty(S) = false pop(push(S, v)) = S top(push(S, v)) = v pop(S:Stack):Stack Preconditions: push(pop(S), top(S)) = S October 2, 2003
An Array Implementation
Create a stack using an array by specifying a maximum size N for our stack. The stack consists of an N-element array S and an integer variable t, the index of the top element in array S. Array indices start at 0, so we initialize t to -1 October 2, 2003
An Array Implementation (2)
Pseudo code Algorithm push(o) if size()==N then return Error t=t+1 S[t]=o Algorithm pop() if isEmpty() then return Error S[t]=null t=t-1 Algorithm size() return t+1 Algorithm isEmpty() return (t<0) Algorithm top() if isEmpty() then return Error return S[t] October 2, 2003
An Array Implementation (3)
The array implementation is simple and efficient (methods performed in O(1)). There is an upper bound, N, on the size of the stack. The arbitrary value N may be too small for a given application, or a waste of memory. October 2, 2003
Using List ADT We can use List ADT implemented as singly linked list to implement Stack, all operations O(1) Stack ADT Operation List ADT operation size() - isEmpty() top() first() push(o) insertFirst(o) pop() remove(first()) October 2, 2003
Queue ADT A queue differs from a stack in that its insertion and removal routines follows the first-in-first-out (FIFO) principle. Elements may be inserted at any time, but only the element which has been in the queue the longest may be removed. Elements are inserted at the rear (enqueued) and removed from the front (dequeued) Front Rear Queue October 2, 2003
Queues (2) The queue ADT: Constructor: Access functions:
make():Queue – Creates an empty queue Access functions: size(S:Queue):integer isEmpty(S:Queue):boolean front(S:Queue):element Manipulation procedures: Enqueue(S:Queue, o:element):Queue - Inserts object o at the rear of the queue Dequeue(S:Queue):Queue - Removes the object from the front of the queue October 2, 2003
An Array Implementation
Create a queue using an array in a circular fashion A maximum size N is specified. The queue consists of an N-element array Q and two integer variables: f, index of the front element (head – for dequeue) r, index of the element after the rear one (tail – for enqueue) October 2, 2003
An Array Implementation (2)
“wrapped around” configuration what does f=r mean? October 2, 2003
An Array Implementation (3)
Pseudo code Algorithm dequeue() if isEmpty() then return Error Q[f]=null f=(f+1)modN Algorithm enqueue(o) if size = N - 1 then return Error Q[r]=o r=(r +1)modN Algorithm size() return (N-f+r) mod N Algorithm isEmpty() return size()=0 Algorithm front() if isEmpty() then return Error return Q[f] October 2, 2003
Using List ADT List ADT implemented as a singly linked list can be used dequeue(S): S.remove(S.first()) October 2, 2003
Using List ADT Enqueue(S, e): S.insertLast(e) October 2, 2003
Double-Ended Queue ADT
A double-ended queue, or deque, supports insertion and deletion from the front and rear Can be implemented with List ADT implemented as doubly linked list The deque supports six fundamental methods insertFirst(S:Deque, o:element):Deque insertLast(S:Deque, o:element):Deque removeFirst(S:Deque):Deque removeLast(S:Deque):Deque first(S:Deque):element last(S:Deque):element October 2, 2003
Priority Queues A priority queue is an ADT(abstract data type) for maintaining a set S of elements, each with an associated value called key A PQ supports the following operations insert(S,x) insert element x in set S (S¬SÈ{x}) maximum(S) returns the element of S with the largest key extract-Max(S) returns and removes the element of S with the largest key October 2, 2003
Priority Queues (2) Removal of max takes constant time on top of Heapify October 2, 2003
Priority Queues (3) Insertion of a new element
enlarge the PQ and propagate the new element from last place ”up” the PQ tree is of height lg n, running time: October 2, 2003
Priority Queues (4) October 2, 2003
Priority Queues (5) Applications:
job scheduling shared computing resources (Unix) Event simulation As a building block for other algorithms We used a heap in an array to implement PQ. Other implementations are possible October 2, 2003
Next Week Hashing October 2, 2003
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