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Floods By;Shyanne Rogers Mr.Shepard. Interesting pictuure 3 d_99/SlideShow/Flood.htm.

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Presentation on theme: "Floods By;Shyanne Rogers Mr.Shepard. Interesting pictuure 3 d_99/SlideShow/Flood.htm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floods By;Shyanne Rogers Mr.Shepard

2 Interesting pictuure 3 d_99/SlideShow/Flood.htm

3 What causes a flood? A flood is causes of many events such as intense rainfalls.

4 How long does a flood last? Depends on how high the water is it can last several days an nites.

5 Interesting picture 1 matologist/extreme/Floods/PE MA_flood.html

6 Interesting picture 2 ures/fall98lects/05f 98- succession.html

7 How floods occur? Floods happen generally when it is in a rainy season.How ever if there is a majior thunderstorm,hurricane and or a tornado,it can flood as well. ewtopic.php?f=59&t=106731&p= 1929490

8 Is a flood dangerous to property people etc? Yes because you could drowned,dye, get a bacterial infections,deceases.

9 What kind of damage to property can a flood do if any? It takes homes away,people,and can flood cars Floods-force-survivors-to-abandon-homes.html

10 What are Floods? A flood is any great amount of water where it’s not wanted.

11 Interesting facts flash floods can occur many miles away from another storm.If you are under a flash flood warning,you are in danger even though it may not be raining were you are at.j The vast majority of people get killed in sever storms or a flash flood are males because they dill with it more than feamales.also people can die from staying in their veicale while a flood.

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