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The lord’s estate was called: – Castle – Manor – Fief – Home The code of ________________ was the behavior code a Knight was expected to follow. – Bushido.

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Presentation on theme: "The lord’s estate was called: – Castle – Manor – Fief – Home The code of ________________ was the behavior code a Knight was expected to follow. – Bushido."— Presentation transcript:

1 The lord’s estate was called: – Castle – Manor – Fief – Home The code of ________________ was the behavior code a Knight was expected to follow. – Bushido – Chivalry – Conduct – Excommunication The following system of government was based on the exchange of land for protection and services: – Democracy – Republic – Monarchy – Feudalism What were the forces holding feudal society together? – Set of mutual social obligations and the teachings of the Church – Loyalty to country and belief in God – Pride in their Roman heritage and a thriving economic system – The code of chivalry, the laws of Rome, and the teachings of the Church

2 Chapter 13 and 14

3 Pope Archbishop BishopBishopBishop PriestPriestPriestPriestPriestPriestPriest Commoner Commoner Commoner Commoner CommonerCommoner Commoner


5  Began with crowning of Charlemagne  Otto I united Germany and part of Italy into Holy Roman Empire (900’s-1100’s)  Church was not happy with:  German power over Italy  Use of lay investiture: ceremony in which kings and noble appointed church officials  Use of simony: the selling of positions in the church  1075: Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture

6  After Gregory banned lay investiture, Henry ordered him to step down  Gregory then excommunicated Henry  Henry went to Canossa in January 1077 and stood barefoot in the snow for three days to beg Gregory’s forgiveness  The showdown didn’t solve anything  1122: Concordat of Worms: compromise saying Church could appoint Bishops but emperor could veto

7  Popes worked to bring positive change  Curia: papal advisors that acted as a court, developed canon law  Collected tithes: 1/10 th of family income; used to care for sick and poor, improve church  Gothic architecture emerged (1100’s): use of light, sculpture, wood carvings, stained glass to inspire worshiper


9 Canon Law: Definition: Canon law is the church law which governs matters such as marriage and religious practices. Courts were established to try people accused of violating canon law. Punishment #1 Excommunication Banishment from the Church and denial of salvation. Punishment #2 Interdict Withholding sacraments from a kingdom because of a disobedient ruler. This tool was used to force the ruler to give in to the pope in order to keep his people happy.

10  1305: French pope moved from Rome to Avignon, France  1378: Italian Urban VI chosen; cardinals regretted this and elected Clement VII; now there were two popes  Great Schism: division of the church resulting from having a pope in Avignon and a pope in Rome  Finally forced to resign and a new pope was chosen, but papacy greatly weakened

11  John Wycliffe: preached Jesus Christ, not pope, was true head of Church. Felt clergy should not own land or wealth; Bible alone was final authority in Christian life. Translated Bible into English.  Jan Hus: Taught authority of Bible was higher than that of the pope. Excommunicated in 1412, burned at stake in 1415.

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