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Lecture 15: Pipelined Datapath Soon Tee Teoh CS 147.

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1 Lecture 15: Pipelined Datapath Soon Tee Teoh CS 147

2 Control and Datapath (Figure 9-15, page 471) Branch Control VCNZVCNZ PC Extend Address Instruction Memory Instruction Instruction Decoder Zero fill 1 0 MUX B D Register File A B Function Unit F Data in Address Data Memory Data Out 0 1 MUX D MB MD MW FS V C N Z Constant in D B A M F M R M P J B A A A B S D W W L B C P J B L B C RW DA AA BA

3 Instructions in this Architecture Instruction Format Description Add RD, RA, RB R[DR] R[SA] + R[SB] OR RD, RA, RB R[DR] R[SA] v R[SB] Shift Right RD, RB R[DR] sr R[SB] Load Immediate RD, OP R[DR] zf OP Load RD, RA R[DR] M[SA] Store RD, RA M[SA] R[SB] Branch on Zero RA, AD if (R[SA]==0) PC PC + se AD Jump RA PC R[SA] zf means zero-fill se means sign-extend sr means shift right

4 Timing Assumptions Branch Control: 1ns PC Read: 1ns PC Write: 2ns Instruction Memory Read: 3ns Instruction Decoder: 1ns Extend: 1ns Zero Fill: 1ns Register File Read: 1ns Register File Write: 2ns 2-to-1 MUX: 1ns Function Unit: 6ns Memory Read: 3ns Memory Write: 3ns Note: “Register File Read” refers to the propagation delay time of a register. “Register File Write” refers to the set-up time of a register.

5 Delay for each component in Control and Datapath Branch Control VCNZVCNZ PC Extend Address Instruction Memory Instruction Instruction Decoder Zero fill 1 0 MUX B D Register File A B Function Unit F Data in Address Data Memory Data Out 0 1 MUX D MB MD MW FS V C N Z Constant in D B A M F M R M P J B A A A B S D W W L B C P J B L B C RW DA AA BA 3ns 1ns 6ns 1ns 2ns 1ns 3ns 2ns

6 Time taken in Longest Path Branch Control VCNZVCNZ PC Extend Address Instruction Memory Instruction Instruction Decoder Zero fill 1 0 MUX B D Register File A B Function Unit F Data in Address Data Memory Data Out 0 1 MUX D MB MD MW FS V C N Z Constant in D B A M F M R M P J B A A A B S D W W L B C P J B L B C RW DA AA BA * * 3ns 1ns 6ns 1ns 2ns Total time for ADD instruction = 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 16ns 1ns 2ns 1ns 3ns

7 Pipelining Concept Separate laundry process into 3 steps wash/rinse/dry. Each step uses a different machine. Suppose you have many loads. While first load is drying, second load is rinsing, and first load is washing. Simultaneously utilizing all resources. Like Henry Ford’s assembly line

8 Pipelined Computer Architecture Separate the process into separate parts For our example, we separate into 4 parts: –1. Instruction Fetch –2. Decode, Operand Fetch –3. Execute –4. Write Back Insert new registers between each stage to hold some control signals

9 Pipelined Computer (Figure 11-4 pg 550, ignore branch control for now) PC Address Instruction Memory Instruction Instruction Decoder Zero fill 1 0 MUX B Register File A B Function Unit F Address Data Memory Data Out 0 1 MUX D MB MD MW FS B A M A A B AA BA IR Data In Address Data Memory D Register File FS MW DA MD RW RW DA Write Read/ Write Read IF DOF EX WB Stages: Instruction Fetch, Decode/Operand Fetch, Execute, Write Back registers registers/ memory

10 Timing in Pipelined Computer (assume register read is 1ns and register write is 1ns) PC Address Instruction Memory Instruction Instruction Decoder Zero fill 1 0 MUX B Register File A B Function Unit F Address Data Memory Data Out 0 1 MUX D MB MD MW FS B A M A A B AA BA IR Data In Address Data Memory D Register File FS MW DA MD RW RW DA Write Read/ Write Read IF DOF EX WB Stages: Instruction Fetch, Decode/Operand Fetch, Execute, Write Back registers registers/ memory 5ns 8ns 4ns

11 Clock cycle time In non-pipelined computer, clock cycle needs to be at least 16ns. Clock frequency = 1/16ns = 62.5 MHz In pipelined computer, clock cycle needs to be at least 8ns, the time for the slowest stage. Clock frequency = 1/8ns = 125 MHz If we need to execute 7 instructions using the non-pipelined computer, we need 7 x 16 = 112 ns. How much time do we need using the pipelined computer?

12 Pipelined Computer timing IF DOF EX WB 8ns We need 80ns. In general, # cycles needed = # instructions + # stages - 1 Instruction 2

13 Pipelined Computer timing IF DOF EX WB Filling: Not all stages active All stages active Emptying: Not all stages active 8ns

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