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In collaboration with: Public Interest Research Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "In collaboration with: Public Interest Research Centre."— Presentation transcript:


2 In collaboration with: Public Interest Research Centre

3 A radical yet realistic vision Based on 35 years experience A closing window of opportunity To dream of things that never were Introduction:

4 A reading of the science An evaluation of international & national policy frameworks Scenarios – how it could happen Mapping the unthinkable :

5 Climate Change Energy Security Global Equity The Science:

6 Climate Change Continual increase in Global CO2 levels

7 Climate Change Record CO2 levels Triggering positive Feedbacks

8 Climate Change Sink Failures Feedback Runaway effects

9 Methane Hydrates Emergency Situation Go to Zero Carbon

10 Energy Security


12 Saudi oil reserves

13 Equity

14 A common solution

15 International –Contraction & Convergence The Policies:

16 National –Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) The Policies:

17 Island Britain Scenario

18 POWERDOWN: Sector by sector 50% reduction Electric vehicles Organic food

19 POWER UP: 100% Renewables – no new nuclear Electric Britain Diverse mix 50% off shore wind


21 Dealing with variability Reduced total demand Distributed generation Intelligent demand management Storage - V2G, Vanadium flow batteries, pumped storage

22 Increased climate research Global awareness campaign Robust international consensus Accelerated technology research & development Large scale training and education Vital Catalysts:

23 WISE: Opens 2008

24 Better Diet Improved Health Robust local economies Dealing with debt Stronger local community Sense of purpose Additional benefits:

25 Scientifically inescapable Economically unavoidable Technically possible Now has to become politically thinkable Conclusions:

26 6 weeks after the CAT report was presented to all the major political parties at various events in Westminster, the Liberal Democrats launched a policy called ‘Zero Carbon Britain – Taking a Global Lead’,. Lembit Opik, MP for Powys and Montgomeryshire, and Shadow Secretary of State for Business and Enterprise said: “These proposals were largely inspired by the Welsh based Centre for Alternative Technology and I would like to thank them for the ground-breaking work.” What next…..

27 A special period in history Key external Partners Pan –European scenario An Annual report Re-framing for general public Lifestyle implications What next…..


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