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GROUP dynamics. EMPOWERING YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE Escape brainwashing Escape groupthink 360 degrees of success.

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Presentation on theme: "GROUP dynamics. EMPOWERING YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE Escape brainwashing Escape groupthink 360 degrees of success."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROUP dynamics

2 EMPOWERING YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE Escape brainwashing Escape groupthink 360 degrees of success

3 PRO SUCCESS TOOLS The 5 I’s of group authenticity Superordinate goals

4 Groupdyn = The psychological impacts (thoughts, emotions, perceptions, beliefs, goals, self-esteem, etc.) of we (groups) on me (individual group members)

5 G-DYN = The psychological impacts of WE on ME

6 THE DUALITY OF GROUP DYNAMICS: Groups with inward (self-supporting) agendas VERSUS Groups with outward (constituent) agendas

7 INWARD (self-supporting) orientation (dysfunctional G-dyn tendencies) Social group memberships via member voting (social clubs, status orgs, cliques) Religious, political, & other ideological groups Org public relations

8 Impacts of WE on ME in self-supporting groups Embracing the “party line” (group beliefs & values) Generating group pride, loyalty, & solidarity Controlling member thinking, mindset, behavior codes, status quo Enforcing group traditions & rituals Developing modes of konformity (attire, mottos, initiations)

9 OUTWARD (service) constituent orientation: functional G-dyn tendencies Project teams Client service-oriented jobs (mail delivery; health care; social work, etc.) Community-service orgs

10 Impacts of WE on ME in constituent orientation groups Service to outsiders Teamwork (mutual leading, following, managing) Occasional sacrifice Performance accountability Open-mindedness


12 1.Groups control you more than you control groups. 2.Groups usually conform more than individuals do. 3. Groups usually value following > leading. 4.Groups thrive on the status quo > change.

13 5.Group decision-making reduces personal accountability → “risky-shift” phenomenon: when group members sometimes back riskier group decisions than they would make on their own 6.Groups favor short-term, efficient (quick & EZ) operations > effective, change- drenched long-term operations.

14 7.Groups don’t like uncertainty & unconsciously tend towards consensus-building. 8.Groups often operate out of a false sense of harmony & agreement that may not actually exist. 9.Group members tend to take information at face value, even when it’s speculative or unverified. 10.Groups often act out of a poor sense of timing & reach decisions prematurely or procrastinate.

15 11.Groups tend to over-focus on process (protocols & rules) & under- focus on mission/purpos.e 12.Groups often over-rely on popular or respected members to make meetings & decisions gel. 13.Most group members hesitate to stop the momentum of group deliberations & hesitate to ask questions. 14.Group members tend to assume that all members are well-informed about issues discussed, sympathetic to the group’s mission, & satisfied with the group’s way of doing things.

16 These 14 dysfunctional G-dyn behaviors form the nucleus of dysfunctional = =

17 Conforming & performing for group acceptance Fudging the truth to justify group actions & beliefs Turning group loyalty into a “religion” Shunning or vilifying outsiders who think, believe, or act differently from your group Isolating group members from the influence of rival groups


19 Sports fandom Religious group isolationism “Foreigners/aliens/illegals” Street & motorcycle gangs Hazing & secret initiations Racism M asonry Rock concerts


21 Functional G-dyn =

22 Constituent-focus Ideals I nsights via 360 constituent feedback I deas for altering the status quo I deals for something more important than group members I n-touch with those affected by the decision I nternalization of the mission, goal, or decision issue

23 Functional Groups (FGs) are the identity; members are the tattoos FGs are the playing field; members are the team FGs are the car; members are the gasoline FGs are the wind; members are the kites FGs are the dyna; members are the mite.

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